My blogs for today were scheduled in advance so I have not seen this issue today. I usually write my blogs in Word and then copy and paste them to the ActiveRain blog. This helps me avoid lost blogs.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
This happens with many sites, I think. ActiveRain is no exception.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I cannot load a photo into the library tonight. It seems there is always a little gremlin working behind the scenes.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I had these few times.....soooo frustrating to loose a blog post and start over( even you see the massage that your blog is saved every 3 minutes, but it is not!), so now I just copy all and paste in Word window, before pressing ''publish'' just in case.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
#13, Hi Shannon, Not sure if key words are problem? I only had 5-6 keywords when it happened to me. But I'll check that. thanks.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I just had that happen to me with my most recent blog. No one got back to me, but I found the problem...I think there is now a limit to how many keywords you can put in.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Well, I just tried to publish another blog using firefox/yahoo and I got the same annoying message. i then tried using chrome/google and also got same annoying message. This morning I did manage to get one blog published. So it looks like it's not a browser problem. Time of day issue? or some other glitch with AR?
#9- Hi Michael, I guess we should be use to technology glitches by now, but it's still annoying to spend 30 minutes preparing a post, and then can't publish it. thanks.
#8- Hi Praful, I just posted using Chrome and it seems to work fine. I'm going to try Firefox on next post and see if browser might have something to do with it. Firefox recently switched from Google to Yahoo as their default, and I had been using Firefox. Not sure if that is problem or not?
I get issues like this from time to time. I also get the warning that I need to be logged in to see a page - but it shows the page to me anyway.
Jeff Pearl hope this is resolved by now - I have to post a few weekly reports now!
#2- Hi Susan, I'm still trying to figure it out. Thanks.
#3- Hi Roy, I might have to statr doing that. Thanks.
#4- Hi Gabe, thanks. I'l try that and see if it works.
#5- Hi Tammy, I don't think mine saved in draft, just disappeared.
#6- Tammy, I'll check to be sure. Be nice if they were still there. Thanks.
Did you check to see if it is in your draft posts... mine was, yours may be as well.
had it happen recently when trying to post. Fortunately the autosave had saved me and I only lost the groups I'd checked and my post was right there in draft. I've learned to log out and back in at the begining of each day and it seems to prevent the issue.
I have not tried posting this morning, so thanks for the heads up. Some days I don't write in Word first and save, and I know I am tempting fate not to do that...
Is anyone else getting this message when you try to publish blogs? I receieved this when trying to post my last 3 blogs, and what;s worse. My entire blog posts that I had spent 30-60 minutes creating all just vanished.