Sonja Priebe (City Realty Inc.) Real Estate Agent



Sonja Priebe
location_on Olympia, WA — City Realty Inc.
Get to Know Sonja Priebe
                                                          My Background I am originally from Canada, born and raised. My family is still there in a little town, (I mean little), Sioux-Lookout, Ontario. I go back whenever I can. My dad has a cabin, that he built, on a gorgeous remote lake. This is my little "heaven on earth".  The fishing is great and this is the one place that I can truly relax.   In 1984, just out of College, I had a job opportunity to go to an even more remote area, Inuvik Northwest Territories, 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle. This is where I met my husband Mike who was in a Rock-n-Roll band at the time. Mike went back to his home in Olympia after 4 months, where I soon followed. As he showed me all that this area had to offer, with its parks, rivers, ocean and mountains, I absolutely fell in love with Olympia and the surrounding area.      We married in 1986 and just happily celebrated our 22nd Anniversary. One of my passions are cooking and baking, trying new recipes which my friends and family enjoy, ( no one has been sick yet).  I am currently working on a cookbook of my favorite recipes.    Together we enjoy riding on the Chehalis Western trail on our Recumbent bikes, relaxing in our backyard, where I also enjoy gardening.. We have a dog, Porter, who fancies himself as my personal trainer, having  me run 3 to 5 miles daily, "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night"....etc....and I LOVE it.                                                                                                  


                                                                                                                                              I don't consider Real Estate a job, but rather my business. My success is solely up to me. That success is defined by my clients' satisfaction with my services.   The first thing that I like to do with new clients, buyers or sellers, is to spend a little time with them to establish a mutual relationship, find out what their needs are,  and develop a game plan based on their time lines. Once we have established that we can work together as a team, that's when I get excited to make it happen. Being a people person, I enjoy building lasting relationships, and the best part for me is the end result when my clients are happy with the job I have done for them.   



               Education and Designations   In continuing to better serve my clients, I am always working to improve my eduction and skills so I can  provide to you the most professional and up to date information & services. To that end I have achieved the following designations. ABR, GRI,  ASR; and I am a Realtor.   Realtor® Not all Real Estate Agents are Realtors. When you enlist the services of a Realtor, you can be confident that you are being dealt with honestly.  As a member of the National Association of Realtors, I have made a commitment to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics, which is based on professionalism and protection of the public. The Code of Ethics is a promise. As a client of a Realtor , you can expect honest and ethical treatment in all transaction related matters. ABR Accredited Buyers Representative:   Defined most simply, a buyers representative (or buyer's agent) is an advocate for the buyer-not the seller-in a real estate transaction.  To receive this award a Realtor must take special training. What it means to you as a buyer, you can be assured of proper representation and guidance through every step of the process. GRI  Graduate Realtors Institute GRI symbol is a mark of a real estate professional who has made a commitment to provide a superior level of services by earning the GRI designation. Realtors  with the GRI designation are highly trained in many areas of Real Estate to better serve and protect their clients. ASR Committed to adhering to a stringent standard of ethics, ASR® Seller Agents are to demonstrate complete honesty in pricing as well as thorough research and preparation in completing and presenting the property market analysis. A further and most important commitment of ASR® Seller Agents is to demonstrate ethical conduct and integrity in every aspect of their real estate career.

"We cannot choose the things that will happen to us. But we can choose the attitude we take toward anything that happens. Success or failure depends on your attitude."

                                                                                      Alfred A. Montapert


"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it."

                                                                                     William Arthur Ward


"In any project the important factor is your belief. Without belief there can be no successful outcome."

                                                                                    William James


"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

                                                                                    Mark Twain


"Blessed is he who has learned to laugh at himself, for he shall never cease to be entertained."

                                                                                    John Powell


I'm a full time agent in Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater and surrounding areas. My main focus is residential for both Buyers and Sellers. My emphasis is on superior service with personal attention.