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Real Estate Agent |
RAINER 3,135 |
Jas Jagpal | ||
Markham, ON
— Remax Dynasty Realty Inc.
RE/MAX International Inc. |
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Jas has lived in Toronto from the age of three and in Morningside Heights since June 2003. He was born to a farmer who migrated from Punjab, India in hopes of a better future. "Life wasn't easy for my mom and dad, they labored in factories, with bandaged knees, doing double shifts to provide for us when we were young. We were a big family, 7 kids (4 girls and 3 boys) so material extras were uncommon." At a young age, Jas’s parents instilled in him the need for having a good education and mindset of hard work to become successful. Unfortunately, being illiterate and not speaking the English language, they could not take an active role in his education. “They would always make a point to plant seeds of assurances and opportunities if we worked hard,” says Jas, “I can't thank them enough for seeding hope, even though I had no idea of my destination and how I would get there.” Jas’s father, a highly spiritual man and well respected in the Sikh community taught him and his siblings the fundamentals of his faith. His teachings played a central role in creating the honest and giving person Jas is today. Jas recalls, "my dad’s influence and dedication to ensuring we understood our faith, kept me strong during the trying times in my life and got me through with hope and prayer. I did not have role models growing up, or people who could help me navigate the worldly maze that I was engulfed in. My siblings and I learned on our own. Indeed, I feel that a far greater cosmic plan was unfolding that gave me the experiences in my life to succeed." Jas grew up in the 1970s in a society that rampantly discriminated, both verbally and physically. He fought many battles in the school yard and had to deal with local gangs chasing him, to and from school. Jas's childhood wasn't easy but Jas doesn't see it that way. "Sure it was tough growing up, but it could have been far worse. I'm so thankful, when I look around the world and see so many lives filled with grief, children dying of poverty and disease, kids orphaned, and so on, that I can but fold my hands to my Creator and give Thanks!" Jas understands the real sacrifice was made by his father. When the opportunity came to get on plane and come to Canada, Jas's father left his ailing father who he adored and worshipped. "I can only imagine their conversation & pain when my Grandpa insists my dad leaves to Canada, but instructs him that it will be their last meeting. I know with a heavy heart my dad came here to never see his father again. He labored tirelessly for two years; saving everything he could, to sponsor us. Had he not left, my world would be a lot different. If I was lucky I would be toiling away on a farm, or more aptly, dead or dying from alcohol and drug abuse." Jas started working at the age of nine. Besides having the usual paper routes, his older siblings and he would sell flowers on downtown street corners during weekends and throughout the summer months. He also worked for Dickey Dee and sold Ice-cream by the ferry docks, local beaches, CN Tower, Exhibition Place and city parks. During high school & university Jas worked at Kohinoor Foods in the famous Gerrard St. Indian Bazaar. Jas worked 6 to 7 days a week and often 10-12 hours a day. "I feel lucky" says Jas "I was able to work when I was young and develop the experiences that helped me succeed in life". "I learned very early, hard work, commitment, dedication to customer service are key pillars for a successful business." Jas graduated with honors from high school and attended York University on an entrance scholarship. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Chemistry. After university, Jas moved to Vancouver, British Columbia for 2 years and worked in an Environment laboratory. Jas settled back in Toronto and helped launch his sister's printing company into a million-dollar international business. Jas built the entire website himself and handled all marketing and pre-press operations. He followed suit and launched his own Internet based printing company in 1998. His mutual working relationship with his sister continues to this day. Jas is currently involved in a few projects to give back to the community he lives in. He has spear headed the development of Morningside Heights Business Directory. He spent more than 400 hours gathering information from local business owners, laying out the publication, designing ads, and developing the website and distributing the directory. (www.LinkToMorningside.com), "My kids have learned some valuable lessons helping with the business directory " he says, "The other day, my daughter who is in grade 5 was having trouble with her math homework, it was 10pm at night. I thought to myself that no ten year old should be up this late trying to complete homework. So I told her to go to sleep and we'll deal with it tomorrow. She looked straight at me, and instead of closing her books and going to sleep, she says "Daddy Ji, If I persist, I will succeed!". Hearing that from her mouth was priceless! You know what happened next, we stayed up another 30 minutes and finished off the exercises. Kids are sponges; they will pick up valuable lessons if we would involve them and mentor them. Most importantly she saw her effort was rewarded when we donated funds raised from the directory to her school to help parents who were having difficulty affording school uniforms." Brookside Soccer also started with a simple seed of an idea. Jas lived in the Morningside Heights community since its inception, but noticed there were no organized sports programs to bring local families together. Having a passion for soccer his entire life, he decided to start a child soccer program. With summer break a little over a month away, he secured permits for the field, found sponsors, purchased all the equipment and canvassed the neighborhood to sign as many kids up as possible. It took a lot of legwork, but for Jas, all of the hard work and effort was well worth it. In the end, more than 60 children signed up for the first season. In the process, Jas raised more than $1300 for the Daily Bread Food Bank. Today as one of the community’s respected real estate professionals, Jas attributes his strong work ethic to his upbringing. His long hair and turban are reflections of his Sikh faith. He abides by the faith’s core teachings, of Kirat Karna (“earn your bread with honest labour”), Vand Chakna (“share of your earnings with the needy”) and Naam Japna (“remember God”). Despite all the opportunities he’s created in his own life, Jas remains humble. “It’s a blessing to have all that I have,” he says, “but it means nothing if I am not able to give back and make a positive difference in the community around me. That’s what makes all the hard work worthwhile to me, and it’s why I donate 20 percent of all my real estate commissions to local non-profit organizations—10 percent to your favorite charity and 10 to mine.” When you work with Jas toward the sale or purchase of your home in the Morningside Heights area or the surrounding GTA communities, you can count on him to make good things happen for you and your family. He isn’t afraid to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to help you achieve your real estate goals. You’ll also discover that Jas is a real straight-shooter. He believes in being honest and upfront with his advice, so that you have the information and insight you need to make the right decisions from the very start. Jas is very analytical and detail-oriented, so he helps you research every option and explore all the possibilities throughout the process. If you are buying or selling a home in Morningside Heights or the surrounding GTA communities, you deserve to work with a professional who will put the focus on your success every step of the way. Jas Jagpal is Making Good Things Happen, so call him today! Where I grew up As a child, Pape & Gerrard in downtown Toronto; as a teen, Midland & Eglinton, Scarborough Places I've lived Punjab, India; Vancouver, Canada; Toronto, Canada Companies I've worked for Yes We Print It Inc; Color It Printing & Graphics Inc; ASL - Analytical Service Laboratory; Kohinoor Foods; Dickie Dee Icecream; Cash-N-Carry Wholesale Flowers Schools I've attended Ontario Real Estate College; Seneca College; York University; Midland Collegiate Institute; Woodfield Public School; Leslie Street Public School Full Name: Jaswinder Singh Jagpal - (Jas Jagpal) Social Networking: Befriend me on FaceBook and LinkedIn Goals & Plans I'm looking to build a trusted network of professionals and business owners. As a realtor and a community leader in Morningside Heights neighborhood, I'm often asked if I can make a referral, provide information and help with fund-raising. As a realtor, the difference I offer my clients besides my expertise is a genuine friendship. For me it is not about making a quick buck but building a long-term friendship. My business model is simple. I make money and also share it. That is why I donate 20% of my net commissions to charities/ child sports programs. 10% to the Buyer or Seller's choice and 10% to mine. My goal is to continue educating myself, read books, take seminars, so that I can always provide the best possible service to my clients. My marketing plan involves generously thanking those who refer me and are helping me with my successful referral based business. This allows me time to service my clients and not have to keep prospecting for new business. In this way, my satisfied clients will continue to refer my services to their friends and family. Specialties: Residential Real Estate- Toronto - Markham - Pickering - Morningside Heights, GTA area.
I'm 38, father of 3 and married for 11 years. I came to Canada at 3 from Punjab, India. I'm dedicated soccer dad and work hard to provide and give back to the community.