Greg Lanet, Sunset West Realty (Sunset West Realty) Real Estate Broker/Owner



Greg Lanet
Sunset West Realty
location_on Livermore, CA — Sunset West Realty
BRE# 01181874
Get to Know Greg Lanet

"Your intrest above all, always" It is on this premise that I've built my Real Etate business over the last 19 years. Yes, big corporations or venture capitlist probably wouldn't want any part of this but you should, if you believe how I believe All Broker/Agents aren't created equal. There may be some, just as skilled and experienced but have a different core beliefs.

Being self employed doesn't just mean I get to set my own schedule, it means I get to choose how and who I do business with. I put my Clients needs in a transactionabove all, always. This is what fills my bucket, it's where I get my fulfillment with regard to my lifes work.



I conduct real estate bussines by not only being trained and experienced in marketing and negotiations, but also through the many realtionships that I've developed with other people in the industry. It's through having these relationships that I have put together, and held together complex or difficult transactions.

Secondly, market knowledge. By this I mean tracking and studying trends in our local and hyper-localized markets. It is only by havong this knowledge that you know when to hold'em and when to fold'em. That's a very simplistic way of stating that, "it's only through superior market knowledge that you can effectively negotiate.



General Brokerage focusing on helping Buyers and Sellers in Sunset West Livermore, CA. We've been helping Clients in Sunset West since 1994