Real Estate Broker/Owner |
RAINER 9,200 |
Eric H. Shuster | ||
Springfield, MO
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web Eric H. Shuster's (ericshuster) Blog |
He got in the real estate and development industries at the age of 22. As a kid in southwest Missouri he watched the real estate market out of the window of his school bus and played a guessing game on which property would move first. That curiosity grew into a passion. Erics' education has taken place in the class room, on the job site and at the closing table.
"In business there is no greater thrill than going head to head with the other side of a contract. If I were to condense my area of expertise down to one word I would have to say negotiation" Eric H. Shuster
I feel it is my duty to go to bat for my clients as though it's my own money at stake. While maintaining an aggressive attitude, I adhere to a high moral and ethical blueprint. In this day and age you have to keep up with the competition, and I'm finding that the competition is getting younger and smarter. We are dealing with sophisticated investors today. What used to be considered tricks of the trade are now standard tools when negotiating. Guerilla Warfare at the table is essential to survival in business. Now more than ever, time is money. It is so easy to find yourself in the throes of confusion. You as an investor - yes I said INVESTOR, because that is exactly what you are - can't afford to spectate. Make sure you have the right people in your corner.
It's your money...
It's your move... Eric H. Shuster
Over the last year and a half as the broker and owner of RealtyFinders.Net I have had the pleasure of working with many of you. This first quarter is shaping up to be a record breaker for so many of us and I hope we can all shatter our goals this year.
I’m generating this email to share some exciting news! Over the next few months RealtyFinders.Net will be going through a re-branding process where our name and image will be changing. As we progress, we will be sending out emails to update all of our colleagues and clients that we have enjoyed working with since we opened 2011.
Exciting plans are in store for the years to come! I would like to share with you just the tip of the iceberg our future holds Endeavor Realty.
At Endeavor Realty we will be transitioning our real estate brokering practices from a more traditional style to suit the ever changing technological advancements and sophistication of today’s agents. We here at Endeavor Realty feel that an agents transition in today’s real estate marketplace can accentuate their strengths and identify any weakness to improve over all fiscal performance. At Endeavor Realty we have captured the seemingly difficult task of "viable" buyer lead generation (via the internet) and simplified it to adapt any agent. Our methods have been fine-tuned after thousands of man hours and consulting with a motley of IT professionals.Endeavor Realty plans on breaking the molds of traditional Agent/Broker relationships by putting the focus on the agent.
I look forward to nurturing our professional relationship and hope to see you at the closing table!!!
Eric H. Shuster
Dedicated to enlightening the real estate industry by introducing modern skills to buying and selling real estate in todays market. Also, providing agents with alternatives to the big box brokerages.