Doyle Davison, 30 years as your Concierge broker (Hawaiian Beaches /Hawaii - 714-968-6767) Real Estate Broker/Owner



Doyle Davison
30 years as your Concierge broker
location_on Huntington Beach, CA — Hawaiian Beaches /Hawaii - 714-968-6767
Independent Brokerage
Get to Know Doyle Davison

DRE/BRE- Broker

CSULB business college graduate

SBA- loan officer


Henessey Family
08/11/2014 - user9971936 Hennessey Family Local knowledge: 5 Star  Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star Doyle has a wealth of knowledge and skill that he is willing to share and is a valuable resource when it comes to buying or selling Real Estate. I would highly suggest you pick up the phone and call Doyle! . It gives me a great pleasure to recommend him for all your real estate needs or state you More  Response from Doyle on 08/13/2014 Another Satisfied client and friend for over 40 years. Congratulations Keith and Lisa getting married this year 2014 as high school sweethearts and moving back to California. I remember moving you guys to Las Vegas. Your family always brings a smile. Another great family comes back to California and we welcome you and your hard work and dedication.
Ankony Family
08/01/2014 - user9971936 Ankony Family Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star Doyle was very knowledgeable, energetic and helpful answering our questions, about the area, local real estate and in trying to help us find a rental until we could decide on a home to purchase. He is very pleasant and yet professional to work with. We would definitely recommend him. Doyle will go out of his way to make sure you are 100% satisfied. Response from Doyle on 08/01/2014 It's always nice meeting friendly new clients and thankful we had the opportunity to do business together. I meet great people like Cathy and Bob from all over the U.S. I still remember our first conversation about our love for dogs and your husbands life changing story of survival battling the surf of Huntington Beach. If you have kids please read this story. Please take time to view my clients book link below, it may save a life... Cathy wrote. "Thank you again. We aren't surfers but my husband is a long-distance runner/swimmer and had a rather interesting experience with Surf City's famous rip-currents this past winter. Thankfully two surfers nearby got him out of the current and back to shore safely. / blog / overconfidence "
Holland Family
07/01/2014 - faceartist653 Helped me rent to own a Single Family home in Parker, CO. and move from Southern California. Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Stars Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star I believe Character is the real foundation to Doyle Davison’s success with surf city realty. He focused on what our family values with a humble tolerant and kind heart. He is dedicated, hardworking and showed me unremitted devotion. Doyle Worked late into the night as he planned purposefully prepared carefully proceeded positively and pursued persistently. Doyle puts his heart, mind, intellect and soul into even the smallest things. I saw him turn all the pressure in this process into performance. Some people just make you feel tolerated but with Doyle we felt appreciated. The big difference I see with Doyle compared to others is how he takes hold of an opportunity at first chance because there was such a shortage of properties in the area. Doyle's Enthusiasm Moves the world in a positive way. Response from Doyle on 08/07/2014 It was such an amazing experience and pleasure working with you Jacqui and Tommy. There was a tremendous amount of work to complete this transaction and you guys came through like a star. This was not your typical transaction, we had to hit a home run with title in default, past taxes, credit, and a few lending conditions and a gentlemen that was fighting for his life with cancer. You hung in there because we had a great plan. I appreciate life more and more everyday as dreams do come true with hard work..
Mahrs Family
06/06/2014 - zuser20140606123955622 Mahrs Showed home in 2011 in Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA 90049. Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star Great guy knowledgeable He was patient and was always available. He has lots of knowledge about Huntington Beach real estate. My car was not working and he came and picked me up. He was always on time. He was always honest.. Response from Doyle on 08/07/2014 Some people go through life and nobody knows anything about them. I'm just the opposite, I want everyone to know everything about me. I don't mean take advantage of me but I want people to know that I will take my shirt off for anyone, anytime in need. Some people don't realize that I volunteer my time for the homeless sometimes more than I work. It's my way of giving back to society. If I can help just one person every week it makes life so enjoyable. I have the best occupation ever showing homes and helping the homeless. Thank you for always sending people my grateful
Rhoden Family
05/21/2014 - zuser20140521190816715 Rhoden Family Sold a Single Family home in 2014 in Huntington Beach, CA. Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star  Doyle has been very helpful in the selling of my home. I met him after I had signed with another broker, but that did stop him from giving me some great advice. Response from Doyle on 05/21/2014 Hi Gini, I appreciate the love and kindness you have shown me. I noticed some mistakes that would have cost you literally tens and thousands of dollars. I have had many calls like yours lately because another agent would not sit down and just listen to what you had to say. Only to be confused, disappointed and upset at the results. I an honored and so appreciate our friendship now and you asking for my assistance in selling your home. I seem to learn a little more with each day's passing and know we will have more opportunities to work together in the future. All the best...
mellow family
05/21/2014 - bobmello Showed home in 2013 in Paularino, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star  Negotiation skills: 5 Star  Doyle has always been there for me. 24/7/365. Nicest guy on the planet too. He helped us look for an investment property in Costa Mesa. We ended up holding off for a few months until we get back from Europe and Doyle was ready to work. Response from Doyle on05/21/2014 Mr. Mellow yellow... It's always a pleasure getting those calls from you at 10/pm that the toilet's plugged and leaking. I will always put everything down in an instant to help you and your family out. I can not thank you and your family enough over the years for your support and honesty. Are you buying breakfast tomorrow I need some advice?
shepherd Family
11/20/2013 - zuser 2013254865245856-S Single Family Residence downtown HB Local Knowledge: 5 Star Process experience: 5 star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 star This is a 5 star agent that knows how to get a deal done. My wife and I have worked with many real estate agents over the years, both those representing me as a buyer and seller. Doyle is knowledgeable, friendly, energetic and quick to respond. His professionalism exceeds those of his peers while he maintains a more casual and friendly working relationship. Don’t be fooled, this surfer kid can negotiate anything. I highly recommend Doyle Davison with surf city realty. Response from Doyle 11/25/2013 It's been a long time since I had so much fun working with you and your family. I appreciate you opening up your home, I will miss you greatly as you move to your dream home in the mountains. Thank you for the great referrals, I will treat them with respect and give them 110%
C Allen Family
Allen Family 02/07/2013 02/07/2013 - C.Allen 254125 Helped to buy and sell Southern California. Local knowledge: 5 Star Process expertise: 5 Star Responsiveness: 5 Star Negotiation skills: 5 Star  Doyle is the consistent professional we needed. He is on top of his game. He offers abundance of knowledge and skills which he is willing to share with his fellow realtors or serve his clients to the best of his abilities. He was very hands on and was able to find a buyer, facilitate the sale, and assist in closing escrow in record time. I would recommend him to sellers and buyers alike, without hesitation. C.A. Response from Doyle on 02/21/2013 It give me great pleasure working with a family like the Allen's. We must have looked at over 2 dozen homes until we found the property that worked for your family. Schooling and location was really important. It took some time but I can now congratulate you to your new home and community.

Surf City Realty has been serving investors, banks and general public since 1990. We specialize in residential and commercial sales and leases, HUD homes, REO's. Let us be your next 5 Star Review.