Real Estate Transaction Management Reviews

One thing the real estate industry has no shortage of is paperwork. In fact, each individual transaction comprises a mountain of the stuff. If you’re committed to going paperless, or if you just feel the need to streamline your work flow, you may be curious about the latest and greatest real estate transaction management programs.

While all of them promise that you can get rid of the metal file cabinets and get into digital storage for all of your files and communication records, ease of use is an aspect that varies, depending on the software.

This is the place to share your knowledge with other ActiveRain agents. If you’re using transaction management software we understand that it wasn’t a purchase you took lightly. We’d love for you to share your research, the reasons you chose the software you finally settled on and its pros and cons.

If you like the idea of showing up at appointments with a flash drive instead of a huge folder crammed with paperwork, you owe it to yourself to read on.

star star star star star_half 4.8 (5 reviews)
location_on Henderson , NV
Realty Juggler
star star star star_half star 3.89 (18 reviews)
location_on Windsor , CO
MLS Offers
star star star star_half star 3.75 (4 reviews)
location_on Las Vegas , NV
star star star_half star star 2.73 (15 reviews)
location_on Lake Forest , CA