Real Estate Mobile Apps Reviews

Once you've pegged down which tablet you want, it's time to shop for apps. Imagine trying to get a sip of water out of an open fire hydrant: that's what shopping for apps is like.

Of course you'll want to start with the basics, such as those that allow you to manage your documents, integrate fax and email, allow you to obtain electronic signatures and perhaps offer remote backup. While this is the short list, you'll find your ActiveRain colleagues have quite a lot to say about "must haves" as well as those apps that you can probably live without but they sure make the job of real estate a lot easier.

Keep in mind that not all apps are available on all operating systems. If you've decided that the iPad is what you need, you'll find a huge array of fun and useful stuff for it, like ZipForms, Keynote for presentations and slide shows, and RECalc Free (a very hand mortgage calculator and DocScanner, which allows you to snap a photo and convert it to a PDF). This list is just a small sample of the apps you might want to consider for your iPad.

Whether you've decided on an iPad, a XOOM, an HP with Windows 7 or any of the other tablets on the market, ActiveRain has you covered here with reviews from users on the newest, most popular and innovative real estate apps out there.

dsSearchAgent Mobile IDX
star star star star star 5.0 (13 reviews)
location_on Irvine , CA
star star star star star_half 4.86 (7 reviews)
Open House Mgr
star star star star star_half 4.83 (6 reviews)
location_on Plano , TX
Agent Snap
star star star star star_half 4.71 (7 reviews)
location_on Decatur , GA
star star star star star_half 4.71 (7 reviews)
location_on Austin , TX