Product Details
Contact name
Gary Bezella
(920) 722-2486
Product Description
The most common Realty sign. Sell your house with our attractive, full color signs.
Can be custom and computer-designed, using your logo, colors, branding & more!
Attract buyers with vibrant colors. We can spot color screen print at full color or digitally print signs for greater impact.
Sunlight stable inks are used for that crisp, professional look - even after extended outdoor exposure.
Printed on tough, durable aluminum to avoid repeat sign replacement costs.
Can be custom and computer-designed, using your logo, colors, branding & more!
Attract buyers with vibrant colors. We can spot color screen print at full color or digitally print signs for greater impact.
Sunlight stable inks are used for that crisp, professional look - even after extended outdoor exposure.
Printed on tough, durable aluminum to avoid repeat sign replacement costs.

Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Contact User
Real Estate Agent
671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ
74 % Positive Feedback
Always interesting to compare
Submitted on 08/13/2017
It's always interesting to compare vendors - in this case sign panel vendors. A key difference between the local vendor we use - and Promote Signs, is the material used. It appears that Promote Signs metal signs are made of aluminum, while MacDaniels Signs uses steel. And if the pricing displayed on Promote Signs web...
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Same 'OLD' service from this 'OLD' Sign Company!
Submitted on 06/28/2017
You can last long if you provide good service to your customers and clients. This is what is true for this company - www.PromoteSigns.com. Or else it would have been difficult to last for more than 7 decades in the industry where there are so much of competition is there - not to mention, the technology made some peopl...
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Get The Signs Quickly!
Submitted on 08/12/2016
PromoteSigns.com are the direct design and American manufacturing source for custom yard signs.
For us and our business, they are the best from cost point of view. Our low cost source for real estate signs and sign frames. No middleman - No markups. And we get answers direct! Nothing can beat that.
And it's only ...
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Signs that get the job done
Submitted on 05/15/2016
Average looking signs made of light aluminum frame for ease of transport. This is especially one carries a car loads of them. I gave a 4 * * * *.
Design is generic, simple. I give a mere * * *.
All in all they are signs as light. The downside wind can flip over if not secured.
Sam Shueh

site review
Submitted on 05/18/2014
Jump over to their webpages and see for yourself. I do this before I commit to any product or resource. You should too. And I like to return a few months later and see what's changed because the ever-changing state of the business is so metamorphic. See if you can find any client testimonials to go along with it.

Lani Stern
Contact User
Real Estate Sales Representative
5 Reviews
Toronto, ON
100 % Positive Feedback
Tried and True
Submitted on 02/10/2014
You will find that these are your 'standard' signs and they get the job done. Plus, the materials used allow for these signs to be quite durable in all sorts of weather conditions.