I hear this all the time from real estate agents and mortgage brokers.  There are countless sob stories of people not being able to close on their home because they make these simple mistakes...and they were often warned about them by both their agent and their mortgage broker.  So, when you're l...
I finally did it.  I launched my new website.  It's not related to flooring.  It's very new and it still needs a lot of work.  Currently, it's just one page - a mega article.  My site is called Coffee Table Buying Guide. As the name implies, it's a guide for buying coffee tables.  This is meant t...
This is both a recap and a shameless plug.  If you have any upcoming purchases you are planning to make on Amazon, please consider using my link below.  It won't cost you any extra and I'll get a small commission.If you can help me out today, wonderful.  But, this is an ongoing program, so any ti...
I just completed my 4th month of being an Amazon Associate.  This is a way of generating some passive income from products that I already recommend to my customers. I still have a ways to go, but this month I hit a new record.  It's still not that impressive, but it signals that I am on a good pa...
Finally.  I actually made it above the 500,000 point mark on Thurs 4/21, earlier than expected.  Of course, I learned that the system does not automatically make you a Rainmaker.  I put in 2 requests.  I'm guessing because Bob was out on Maternity leave, it took longer than usual. This morning, I...
I just came across this handy little item on Amazon, and thought I'd pass along.  If you get a few minor scratches in your hardwood floors, try Mixwax stain marker. This item comes in many colors, including ebony, dark walnut, golden oak, provincial, early american, red oak, cherry. This is meant...
 Wow.  I didn't even know these existed until yesterday when I discovered them at one of my customer's houses a couple of days ago.   Are your baseboard heaters ugly? or dirty? of gunky with paint.  We'll here's a great solution that it stylish.  Baseboard heater covers.  They come in different w...
  This is a good reminder from Alan.  Things have just started to slow down for us. Next week, part of the plan is to reconnect w/ the realtors in our database and core group of customers. This is a good time to start worrying.... er, I mean planning your pipeline for next year. As Realtors we al...
Some great info here from Kyle about using video.  Sounds like their social media summit will be a good one, so if you're in the area, you may want to consider attending. This is a game changer.  You're going to want to share it with everyone who does video. And everyone who does NOT yet do video...
Hillary is trying to sell her Fleetwood home.  If you have any advice for her, please leave a comment on her original post.  Hopefully, this will close fast. HERE'S OUR ELEGANT WESTCHESTER FAMILY HOME FOR SALE -- JUST BLOCKS FROM AWARD WINNING SCHOOLS, CHARTERS & PAROCHIAL K-12s -- FLEETWOOD 1055...

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Contact The Author
Debbie Gartner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to At no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission, if you decide to purchase them. I am in the flooring business to help my customers, and that is how I earn my living, not by the small commissions earned on these products.