What's Christmas Without Model Trains This Photo was taken last year at the San Diego Model Train Museum in Balboa Park. The museum will be open with new displays during the December Nights Celebration Dec 7th and 8th for 5:00 to 9:00PM. The displays are some of the most sophisticated train model
Christmas is Only 26 Days Away Where Did 2012 Go? It seems like I just put the Christmas decorations away and I have them out ready to get started once again. Showing homes all this weekend but I expect to get my last Buyer of the year in escrow next week and all the other closings including a o
What's In Store for the 2013 San Diego Real Estate Market? I think much has been said or implied that the real estate market recovery is underway. If that is so and it does seem that way at the moment, perhaps there are some projections or a forecast as to what can be expected in 2013. With many
Local Newspaper Celebrates the Unique Character of Julian I have written about the quaint town of Julian a number of times and about the variety things that draws me there at least a few times a year. It is about an hour away but it is a beautiful drive through the more rural parts of San Diego
Sunday Photo - An Era Gone By 1921 Copper Rolls Royce If you are Buying, Selling or Relocating to San Diego and need help from a professional REALTOR®, Give me a call or visit my San Diego Real Estate website and Sign up for Listing alerts for your favorite San DiegoHome and Condominium Prop
When Pigs Fly If you are Buying, Selling or Relocating to San Diego and need help from a professional REALTOR®, Give me a call or visit my San Diego Real Estate website and Sign up for Listing alerts for your favorite San DiegoHome and Condominium Property Searches. I specialize in Single Fa
San Diego Home Defaults at 6 Year Low Thankfully, this illustration of a Bank Owned Property will be showing up less and less in San Diego County as we move through the new accelerating housing market. A report released yesterday gave us some very pleasant news here in San Diego that our markets
Thanksgiving Here is Wishing all our my ActiveRain Family of Friends and Our Incredible Staff a Wonderful , Safe and Happy Thanksgiving If you are Buying, Selling or Relocating to San Diego and need help from a professional REALTOR®, Give me a call or visit my San Diego Real Estate website a
The Old West Still Lives in Julian After my last client appointment yesterday, I made my way East to the gold mining town of Julian famous for it's apple pies and freshly made ( unpasteurized) cider. While I was there, these two characters were making there way through the small village. The ol
When I Told This Chicken It was a Turkey, It Almost Passed Out! I was chasing this d-- chicken allover the place trying to get it to hold still long enough to take it's photo. When I was tired of chasing it , I accidently said, "You Turkey" and as it looked up, I thought it was going to pass out.