Getting Out of Debt

Services for Real Estate Pros - Marketing with Kate
Get out of Debt, Debt Elimination Strategies, Mortgage Equity Management tools, Credit Repair strategies for homeowners and first time home buyers. Australian Mortgage, U1st Financial, Money Merge Account, be debt free, pay off your mortgagem Mortgage Loans,
Wouldn't it be nice if Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo and every other loan servicer had to be accountable.  Won't happen.  This is worth watching.  Time for consumers to stand up and be heard. I wonder if there is a legal way to force Bank of America to actually go to trial?  Likely they will...
I am a big fan of Niche Marketing.  This is an excellent post that gets the brain cells flowing on the value of choosing a niche and sticking with it.NICHE MARKETING...WHAT ARE THE DANGERS? I am writing this post to open up an in-depth discussion of the responsibility of selling and listing in a ...
I remember loving Linens and Things too.  I still feel this way about Bed Bath and Beyond.  Wonderful lesson on setting boundaries and telling it like it is.  Love this blog post.Regarding Linens and Other Things Years ago, my mother had a real problem with the store "Linens ‘n Things."  She love...
This is a great post on QR codes and offers up some good websites to grab content from.  I liked the website for creating qr codes. Passing it along.QR Codes: Using Technology To Your Advantage in Real Estate QR codes (Quick Response codes) or barcodes are sort of cutting edge tec...
Recently I have discovered the work of Mike Dooley. He is the author of a number of books the most recent of which is Manifesting Change. Hands down this the best book that I have ever read in regards to Law of Attraction and Manifesting what we want in our lives. It connects the dots so easily a...
I love, love love this idea so I'm reblogging.  I would like to this happen regionally.  It's an awesome opportunity for community to come together.  The Karma Experiment:  A community of giving that starts with one person giving something away for free in exchange for another person agreeing to ...
This is a must must read for anyone and everyone who texts.  Scares me to death for my daughters.  passing it on and sharing on twitter and facebook    Today,everyone has a mobile phone.  If you are like most, you LOVE TO TEXT!  I will admit that I had not really enjoyed texting until this past y...
What would I do with $220.00 in Savings? - I'd go buy a Kodak Camera. Ever since Active Rain announced that I can save $220 by switching to a Kodak printer I've been excited. I had just paid $37.95 for a color ink cartridge for my HP printer, so I can really appreciate that the Kodak color ink ca...
Even though job numbers don't support this prediction, this is a sign of hope for the economy.  There can be no recovery without real estate, no matter what any body says.  What do you think?  Fannie Mae expects home sales to rise next year............. I read a very interesting article by Christ...
As a Social Media specialist I often deal with SEO questions.  Most don't understand the importance of blogging.  This is perhaps the best explanation that I have read on the topic.  Clear, concise and to the point.  Good stuff. When starting out in the blogging world I didn't have a clue about S...

Kate Bourland

Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing
local_phone(530) 638-3328
Contact The Author
This Blog is my voice on the political, financial and social implications of debt. My goal is to encourage my readers to think outside their own personal reality and to challenge the social and political truths we have been taught about money, finance and our "free market" economy.