Getting Out of Debt

Services for Real Estate Pros - Marketing with Kate
Get out of Debt, Debt Elimination Strategies, Mortgage Equity Management tools, Credit Repair strategies for homeowners and first time home buyers. Australian Mortgage, U1st Financial, Money Merge Account, be debt free, pay off your mortgagem Mortgage Loans,
Today we wrap up week 6 of The 30 Day Challenge. This is recap of what has been accomplished over the past week and sets expectations for outside blog monetization. Remember, your primary business is Real Estate. What you are doing here is offering other real estate or niche related products that...
In the last two lessons you have learned how to find affiliate products and create ads. Today's lesson shows us how to publish those ads to our micro-niche website using Word Press Direct. Again, this information is intended for people who have been following the 30 Day Challenge series. It assum...
Todays 30 Day Challenge lesson is a continuation of things that have been learned earlier in the week. This blog post is only for those who have been following the The 30 Day Challenge here in Active Rain. To get the entire series you can go here. This lesson will learn ad copywriting from within...
Today you will learn how to find affiliate products that you can promote on your non-Active Rain wordpress blog. Affiliate products are excellent ways to add additional streams of income to your real estate business while staying true to your true focus of Real Estate. This lesson shows you how t...
If you have ever wanted to understand how to implement a Google Adsense campaign on your non-Active Rain website, this video does an excellent job explaining how to monitor Google Adsense ads that appear on your site. This entire series is about monetizing your website and adding additional strea...
Todays Challenge Lesson is a simple introduction to Google Adsense. This lesson integrates previous Challenge Lessons and shows you how to use WordPressDirect to easily add your non-Active Rain micro-niche blog to your Google Adsense account. This is not a beginning video. Before watching introdu...
What an amazing story about finding a path between the lines.   I love this story....there is a lesson here for all of us.  What story to you hear when you read this story?I knew Lenny (name changed) from the time we were both driving a limo. We were both from the Soviet Union. His stint with the...
  I had not heard about this turn of events.  I'm curious as to what is behind it.  It would be nice if the consumer really was winning for a change.  Does anyone have any insight?  This is a story to watch!   VERY INTERESTING!  This morning the Bank of America decided that they MIGHT have made a...
This is a well written article that explains the "social" power of re-blogging.  I remember when re-blogging was launched,.  There was great debate.  As usual, the brilliant marketing minds of AR Management was right on target!As a newbie I did not understand Reblogging.  I thought it was a form ...
Today's 30 Day Challenge Lesson starts the monetization process of your word press niche blog. This lesson shows you how to add Google Adsence to your page and teaches you how to test the commercial value of your niche. The information in todays lesson does not apply to your Active Rain blog as ...

Kate Bourland

Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing
local_phone(530) 638-3328
Contact The Author
This Blog is my voice on the political, financial and social implications of debt. My goal is to encourage my readers to think outside their own personal reality and to challenge the social and political truths we have been taught about money, finance and our "free market" economy.