Wendi-Mae's Neighborhood News!

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Real Estate Agent - Future Homes & Real Estate - B.R.E. License #1061646
Hello again!  Be sure to check out the two previous Blogs in the series, on the subject-simply titled "Emergency Survival Kit" incorporating our furry family members/Pets and Page 1 of the Checklist for your Personalized Kit"......read on, to BE SAFE, Not sorry!
Emergency Survival Kit Checklist-Page 1  You will want to see the additional information in my first blog, titled "Emergency Survival Kit"  More information for if you have Pets?  Or Furry Family Members :)  As well as a link to a site with a link to a page where you can build your own kit.  Trul...
EMERGENCY SURVIVAL KIT Supplies will depend on # of People and Family Pets in household.My List is different than what I have found on-line, for instance-and I feel, of most importance-Medication we must take or inhale, or whatever-have some stored or keep your day to day meds-close to this Survi...
Top 10 Ways To Properly Prepare Your Home For Winter... Autumn is the ideal time to get your home ready for Winter, though if you haven’t done it yet-it’s never too late!Here is how to keep your home warm all winter long:A well maintained HVAC (Heating & Air) system will not only keep you warm, i...
Part 11 Home Ownership Pays! No question about it, home ownership is a big investment, maybe the largest you’ll ever make. But over time, it’s an investment that pays for itself many times over.Here’s how:Tax advantagesMortgage interest is tax deductibleReal estate taxes are tax deductible.Local ...
 Part 1 Rent VS. Own All the Financial Benefits of buying a home:       What’s Right for you?Owning a home is the American dream. But for some individuals, renting a property can be a wise choice, both financially and personally. Which is right for you? Consider the Following:       .  Which offe...
A Recession is Not In Store for 2019.The data, simply put, does not support this “talk”.It is important question because the U.S. Economy has been experiencing one of its longest expansions over time. There were 2 Recessions in the 70’s, 2 in the 80’s, 1 in the 90’s, 2 in the 2000s and none since...
Free Adoption at Front Street Sacramento Shelter!  Thanks to this good man, a Local dentist, Dr. Badahl-he is donating the funds for anyone from the public, to save a life and get a new family member-at the same time!  At the Front street Animal Shelter, located at 2127 Front Street, Sacramento- ...
Referral to a Top Realtor near YOU! Tried and True!It is said that now, almost 72% of all real Estate transactions started with an online search, and many of those searches, were for a Realtor. I’d like to be your one stop shop for a Realtor, anywhere in the Continental U.S.A.!  Better than Googl...
Where to live comfortably through your years of Retirement, you ask?  El Dorado County is it!  I had touted Prop 90 in the past, for retirees-though our County Board of Supervisor's just were not, and still are not all on the same page with that. Then just when I thought we had it made-when the V...

Wendi-Mae Davis

CREN, CRS, GRI, SRES, Broker Associate, Counselor
local_phone(530) 676-4447
smartphone(916) 616-0874
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