BUYING REAL ESTATE FOR INVESTMENT: TIPS FOR FIRST TIME BUYERSWell, it's only taken half a decade, but the dying real estate market is finally starting to show signs of life. If you're thinking about making a move on a piece of property, now is perhaps the best time. You can still take advantage ...
Have you refinanced your home into oblivion? Tapped out every available money resource with a myriad of loans and credit cards? There is one last option: borrowing from your 401(k). . If you've never heard of this option, it's because until recently, it just wasn't done that frequently. But with ...
       Phillips Creek Ranch by Lionsgate Homes                              Listings for Sale Near  Phillips Creek in Frisco, TX Request a FREE Evaluation of your home in Frisco or surounding areas  Located in the heart of Frisco and served by the highly acclaimed Frisco Independent School Distri...
  Richwoods Country by Landon Homes of Texas       Listings for Sale Near Richwoods Country in Frisco, TX Request a FREE Evaluation of your home in Frisco or surounding areas   Richwoods Country offers the best in gated master planned living. Located just north of Hwy 121 between Coit Road and In...
I HAVE A LEAK IN MY ROOF SHOULD I DISCLOSE???                                                  YES...YES...AND YES! YOU MUST DISCLOSE!!!         When the time comes to sell your home, you will be asked to fill out a  disclosure statement that will list "material facts" about problems you are awar...
  GREAT BUY! LEWISVILLE, TX       Listings for Sale Near Lewisville Community-Denton County   Request a FREE Evaluation of your home in Lewisville and Surrounding areas   Schools- The quality of a school can greatly influence home values in an area. To out find detailed information on school dist...
  Frisco Lakes     Located: 1011 Pasatiempo Dr Frisco TX, 75034 From the East: Travel West on I-30 to 635 West; Take 635 West and Exit Dallas North Tollway North; Take Dallas North Tollway North and Exit at Lebanon; Turn left on Lebanon to FM 423 where you will turn right; From FM 423, turn left ...
Before You Buy, Inspect!!!     Buying a home is one of the most important purchases you will make in your lifetime, so you should be sure that the home you want to buy is in good condition. A home inspection is an evaluation of a home's condition by a trained expert. During a home inspection, a q...
  Money­ Saving Tips  On Home­owner's Insurance  When shopping for home insurance, there's much more to consider than how  much your coverage will cost. Your agent or insurance company will determine  how much it would  cost to replace your home and many of the items inside.Most  standard policie...
  Down payment got you down?  For many Americans, coming up with a down payment for their first home can be a major road block and quite often the reason for renting, rather than owning a home. A down payment is the difference between the home's purchase price and its mortgage amount. This percen...

Holli Washington

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