What makes a great network marketer different from a poor network marketer?Network marketing can be one of the single, most effective ways to grow your business. Personally, my membership in the local builders association and a local chapter of BNI was directly responsible for 50% of the new bus
You have a choice: Urgent marketing or priority marketingI had a great conversation today with a real estate agent about marketing and business, and she used the phrase "Tyranny of the Urgent." I think that this phrase describes the way many of us run, and market our businesses."Tyranny of th
In the blogging race...it's a marathon, not a sprintI had an opportunity to attend a bloggers meetup in Minneapolis last evening. One of the topics discussed was how blogging for business is a long term marketing proposition.If you're thinking that creating a real estate or business blog will im
Here it what Topix is all about:"Topix is the world’s largest community news website. You can read, talk about -- and even edit -- the news on over 360,000 of our news pages. Whatever your interests are, we have a news page for you! Topix is also a place for you to post your own news stories, as
The Chinese Proverb about planting trees goes something like this: The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today. This saying applies to so many realms of our lives, our businesses, and our marketing. If you had planted a tree 20 years ago, you’d be enjoying the
Be prepared for what you are about to see. I was looking online through the local real estate listings tonight, and was amazed at the poor quality of photos. Check these out sad, but actual listing photos:Preaching to the choir here at Active Rain, but would someone please explain why there is
I just read my latest copy of BtoB’s Interactive Marketing Guide. It’s full of great marketing info. In this issue, it sources a Datran Media survey from a press release, dated January 22nd, 2008: 82.4% of respondents plan to increase their e-mail marketing in 2008. 15.3% of respondents plan the
For over 35 years, this movie line from The Godfather has stood the test of time: “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” It is one of the greatest movie lines of all time. And it begs another advertising teaching moment - What makes a great marketing offer? A great marketing offer
This comes under the category of "I wish I had invented it"Did you know that there are over one billion of the marshmallow Peeps produced each year? Unbelievable. 49.6 million is sales in 2007. What can we learn about marketing from this company? Two things:1) Be unique. There is only one c
Whether you market to businesses or consumers, improving the way you market to women will have a dramatic impact on your bottom line. Consumer goods Women influence nearly 80% of all consumer goods purchases. According to Entrepreneur Online: Saving time, offering convenience and providing good