It's not really any sad news, here if you do not (right now) have a natural page one presence on Prudential still has the leads on Yahoo for a while longer. So if you're not a Prudential REALTOR, there's really nothing you can or should be doing with Yahoo as 70% of the leads generated
Did you hear the news? Adobe Systems -- makers of Adobe Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Illustrator and lots more software we all use made a bold statement. NO MORE PRODUCT LAUNCHES..... EVER. It used to be that Adobe, Apple Computer, Dell, Compaq, you name it... would create a BUZZ for a new product la
A week ago, the four A's (American Association of Advertising Agencies) created a bit of a big stink. They suggested that smaller advertising agencies and marketing firms are a bargain -- claiming billing rates are half or one third of their larger colleagues. Which means if your brokerage was us
I like to read the other posts on Active Rain sometimes. One caught my eye earlier today. It was a post by ActiveRainer Caroline Pigott. Her short article on Authenticity and Trust are hot topics of discussion right now. Caroline just didn't include enough information on her post to shed a lot mo
Competition for Amazon Bookstore? Maybe. It depends on how you look at it. Amazon has gone Star Trek. Sort of. Did you ever watch the TV show or any of the movies? All of them have these five inch by seven inch pads or electronic PADS. They seem to download stuff to, read them. Stacks of them in
Could there actually be an AGENT or BROKER without a Website somewhere in San Francisco or San Diego...? According to Google, there has to be more than a few businesses out there without a website presumed hiding in San Diego or San Francisco. Google is testing a new advertising program with a
Could there actually be an AGENT or BROKER without a Website somewhere in San Francisco or San Diego...? According to Google, there has to be more than a few businesses out there without a website presumed hiding in San Diego or San Francisco. Google is testing a new advertising program with a
A friend of mine asked me how many websites could he safely direct to his one main website's landing page. Directing too many websites to another using specific, relevant rich keyword text links can be viewed by Google as a gray hat SEO technique and will do more harm than good if the broker or a
I should feel like a movie star because Google today rolled out the red carpet treatment to me and invited me to be a part of Google Wave. Google only invited 100,000 people to test it. Apparently I was important enough. An honor to be sure -- but I'm already on information overload already. I'v
I forgot to mention this one seo bozo alert last month. I never got a phone call, but I did get an email from this Bozo. In fact, I'm inviting Rob from ContactBridge to respond to my email here and see what he has to say in his company's defense. This should prove to be very entertaining when he