For July, I decided to put myself in an investors shoes for a few minutes and scout the Davis real estate market to see what kind of deals are out there. I pictured myself as an investor that wants to find an investment home to use as a rental. But, a few parameters - First, I would want to make
The Davis, California real estate market has always had a seasonal component in that sales increase in the spring until late summer and then they tail off until the following spring. The weather and the University school year are two factors that contribute to this cycle. This years financial sti
Google Maps has recently released a new feature that will be of particular interest to Davis residents and bicyclingenthusiasts. As you know, the town of Davis, California is all about bikes, bike paths and bike lanes. Now when you use Google maps, you can get bicycling directions from one locati
I'm providing this latest update to show that home prices, as measured by price per square foot, have held firm in Davis over the last three years. The graph below shows the price per square foot of homes sold from January 2007 to January 2010. Notice the prices started 2007 at about $300 per squ
Saturdays’ Incredible Open House Just as I was setting up my signs for the open house in West Davis last Saturday another strong shower passed right over head. Setting up the signs is by far the least favorite part of any Open House and setting up the signs in wet weather just makes the whole ex
The summer real estate season is over in Davis and the students have come back to town to fill up the rental homes and apartments. The number of homes sold in Davis was down in the summer quarter compared to the same period in 2008. Why are sales down? One reason might be the change in lending st
The Woodland, California real estate market continues to see the effects of a slow economy and the tight credit markets. Sales of homes in Woodland slowed to just 147 in the 3rd quarter of 2009, while the median price fell to just $215,000.Here is a snapshot of Q3 for Woodland: There are buyers o
If you have been in touch with the real estate industry in the last week or so, I'm sure you are aware of the predatory activity of the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors (MIBOR) toward their own members, namely Paula Henry and her Broker, Mike Taylor http://www
The first question local friends and neighbors ask when the subject of real estate comes up is "how much are prices down"?, which is a simple question that can lead to complicated answers. The answer could be different depending on the type of home you are talking about. Conventional wisdom says
The peak selling season has come to an end in Davis. Spring and Summer are the most active months for home sales in Davis for two primary reasons: As a University town, most things in Davis tend to revolve around the school year calendar. Many times new Professors, employees and staff relocate t