This week, I wanted to showcase a custom theme designed by our very own design team at vFlyer. It seems only fitting, given that this month we are offering a free custom theme to the first 50 existing annual subscribers who contact us and the first 100 new annual subscribers. (For more on this pr
Welcome to the future of online advertising. Don't stay silent in the crowded online marketplace. Speak up and give voice to your advertisements with our new innovative vFlyer Voice service. vFlyer Voice allows you to easily record voice narration that will play when people view your Flyers. Addi
Our custom theme of the week comes to us from Olga Katon at Park Place Real Estate Services in Chicago. This is one of my favorite branded themes I've come across for a few reasons. First, I love the look of the branding: urban, edgy, and sophisticated but also fun at the same time. Second, I lik
Today, vFlyer implemented a new feature of the Flyers page: the ability to add a label to each Flyer in your account. A label is simply a tag for a Flyer that is visible only to you (in other words, it doesn't affect the Flyers themeselves). It means that, instead of having to remember which titl
Happy Friday! Our custom theme of the week comes from Astrid Zelaya, Consultant at Rent-One. This is such a well-composed theme where each aspect - the header image, background image, theme colors, and the other design elements - works beautifully with all the others. Also, Astrid takes advantage
Beginning July 1, all California Realtors will need to include their CA DRE license number on any "solicitation materials intended to be the first point of contact with consumers," as stated in a bill passed by the California State Senate (SB 1461). While the new amendment excludes electronic med
This week's custom theme comes to us from Otto Calta with Coldwell Banker Terrequity Realty in Toronto. What I really like about this theme is that it demonstrates how easy it can be to create a great-looking branded theme by taking a logo, uploading it as a header image, and then matching the he
Yesterday we made two additions to our arsenal of vFlyer Listing Widgets: a 100-pixel wide and a 200-pixel wide auto-scrolling multi-item Widget. Unfortunately, these images are not animated. The two new Widgets give our users more a
This week's custom theme comes to us from Vranas Properties in Chicago. They did a fantastic job integrating their logo into the theme, and I love the color palette they use. It looks as though it were created by a professional web designer! That's what's so great about vFlyer's Theme Editor: it
Happy Friday! This week's custom theme is from Richie Caliendo at Caliendo Automotive. I love the header image in this theme, with its classic-car look and elegant black background. This is one of the best auto dealer custom themes I've seen yet! Also, Richie takes advantage of our Showcase layou