Why are Real Estate Videos Expensive (Clarksville, TN - Montgomery County) Over and over I get the simple question of "Why are real estate videos so expensive?". So today we reveal why real estate videos are so expensive. To begin with, lets look at what gear is used to shoot a professional Real ...
Real Estate Videos vs. Real Estate Virtual Tours in Clarksville, TN - Montgomery County When I contact most clients about shooting real estate videos the first response I always get is, "I already have Real Estate virtual tours". I always find my challenge pleading my case about what is best, Rea...
As I scroll through real estate sites I always find poorly shot photos of houses. I always wonder why someone would take a picture of a house that makes the house look bad, when you are trying to sell it. So we have decided to give some free advice:) Hopefully this will help your home look better...
Technology changes daily. Last year I didn't even know what Twitter was. 12 years ago I was Using AOL 3.0 and loving the fact that I could send an e-mail. Today Twitter engrosses my life, along with e-mails. I used to work in Radio and every morning would read the paper for news updates, and list...