
Galveston Real Estate Overview: The number of active real estate listings in the Galveston for Sale is 948. The average list price for a home in Galveston is $348,636. The number of active real estate listings in the Galveston for Rent is 121. A home in the Galveston has a median square footage o...
League City Real Estate Overview: The number of active real estate listings in the League City for Sale is 477. The average list price for a home in League City is $389,164. The number of active real estate listings in the League City for Rent is 79. A home in the League City has a median square ...
Average Days on Market shows how long active properties for sale have been on the market. Basically this means how long did it take to sell a home. Here is a graph showing average days on market for Houston Texas starting from July 1 2016 until December 19 th of 2016. It shows Single family as we...

Tracy Henderson - League City Real Estate

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