The Virginia Beach Home Inspector Report

Home Inspector - Safe House Property Inspections
Virginia Beach home inspector, home inspections, norfolk home inspector, certified, professional, home inspection reports, blog, referral program,virginia, hampton roads



Here is something I am seeing during more and more during Virginia Beach home inspections. It is flexible drain lines installed under kitchen and bathroom sinks. These are always DIY repairs that seem to eventually always go wrong. Having your drain line run uphill is just another clue that this ...
Just another example of a pesky beam getting in the way of the plumbing. This was a notched beam found in during a Cheaspeake home inspection. Above this beam you can see three joists that happen to be under a bathroom tub. One of the purposes of a crawlspace is to provide plenty of room for plum...
Trusses are used quite often in residential construction. Trusses are designed using calculations that consider all the load conditions for a particular structure.  The design takes into consideration factors such as grade of wood and plate sizes for the truss. Truss work by using structural redu...
All the buzz at this Suffolk home inspection was the inhabitants of the log cladding. It was infested with carpenter bees. As the morning got a bit warmer I could hear the buzz coming from inside the logs. This "picture of the day" shows the damage that these bees can cause if not dealt with. The...
At this Virginia Beach home inspection I anticipated seeing the problem before I actually saw it.The front of the house was cladded with EIFS and the sides and rear were cladded with vinyl siding. There was a band of EIFs around the base of the vinyl siding separating it at the foundation wall. T...
One part of home inspections in Virginia Beach or anyhere else in Hampton Roads for that matter is the crawlspace inspection. They are ususally nasty places that nobody wants to be in and so they are pretty much ignored. The first picture shows what many crawlspaces look like. There is debris eve...
This Virginia Beach home inspection had a real interesting crawlspace. The dryer vent terminated in the crawlspace and created quite a mess. You have a few issues with this setup. Moisture being blown into the crawl can cause mold issues, and all this dryer lint can also be a fire hazard. Just an...
Here is a chimney at a home inspection in Norfolk that was a big problem waiting to happen. There was no mortar holding the bricks in the top two to three rows of the chase. A strong wind will likely cause damage to the chimney and the roof below if not repaired. Just an example of the things you...
On a recent Virginia Beach home inspection I was in a crawlspace when I found another joist that was in the way of the plumbing. Of course there is only one thing to do, Right? Wrong!       This video illustrates some of the things your Virginia Beach home inspector is looking for during your hom...
These pictures were taken in a crawlspace during a home inspection in Norfolk. There has been a lot of moisture intrusion through this foundation wall. The dark moist conditions were perfect for the growth of what you see here, MUSHROOMS.      This was an easy diagnosis. This was the only part of...

Troy Pappas

Virginia Beach Home Inspector
smartphone(757) 418-0944
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