Freddie Mac announced today that they intend on buying back an undetermined number of delinquent mortgage loans contained in securities that have previously been sold to investors. Mindful not to disclose the amount in which they will spend, Freddie Mac did reveal that the mortgage loans they ar
Despite the current economic climate, there are a myriad of reasons to become a homeowner right now. Interest rates and mortgage rates are historically low. Home values may have hit their low point, as St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard recently noted housing prices have "by and
Prior to the November 30, 2009 deadline, Congress not only extended the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit to June 30, 2010 - with a signed purchase agreement dated no later than April 30, 2010 - but they also implemented a new $6,500 move-up homebuyer tax credit. However, it has been some t
Recently, many savings-minded borrowers have taken advantage of historically low mortgage rates and refinanced their mortgages. For those who are still looking to save money, Fannie Mae is set to roll out a new mortgage program in the summer that would provide incentives to borrowers with tradit
Coming off the heels of the narrowest confirmation vote in the history of the Federal Reserve, many Fed watchers expect Chairman Ben Bernanke to unveil plans to raise interest rates in the coming year. Despite being pilloried by many in the public and some lawmakers, Bernanke's confirmation ca
According to a story published in The Washington Post this morning, William C. Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, said the Federal Reserve may opt to renew its commitment of purchasing additional mortgage-backed securities if the economy begins to weaken again. On March 3
San Francisco-based Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is offering a current mortgage rate of 4.875% on a 30-year fixed, with borrowers paying a 1-point Origination Fee. When Total Mortgage Services rolled out their rate sheets this morning, their current mortgage rate on the same 30-year fixed was 4.875%
San Francisco-based Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is offering a current mortgage rate of 4.875% on a 30-year fixed, with borrowers paying a 1-point Origination Fee. When Total Mortgage Services rolled out their rate sheets this morning, their current mortgage rate on the same 30-year fixed was 4.875%
There are varying reasons that are ultimately affecting the decline in newly originated mortgage loans. Luckily, though, current mortgage rates are not a determining factor. As current mortgage rates remain historically low today, they will eventually contribute to the waning volume as analysts
According to government-sponsored enterprise Freddie Mac, the average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage again fell below 5% this week. Frank Northaft, Chief Economist for Freddie Mac, noted that current mortgage rates inched below the 5% range as the mortgage market waited for the results of