Quicksilver Real Estate Solutions

Services for Real Estate Pros - Quicksilver Real Estate Solutions, LLC
After creating a Facebook business page and getting all of your loyal friends and clients to ‘like’ it, many of us can find ourselves on a plateau, having difficulty reaching out beyond our current network. Check out these three simple tips to broaden your reach and strengthen your insights: 1. P...
So you got a lead… now what?   Lately we have been talking about defining and enhancing your web presence through social media and SEO. I think we can all agree that the purpose of that presence is to generate leads. But what do we do with our leads? What percentage are converted to clients, and ...
We all know it, we can’t avoid it, Facebook is the new means of communication. Even if our close social network does not use Facebook as a primary method of communication, your target market may be using it more than you think. According to the National Association of Realtors 2011 Home Buyers Su...
Have you been making a smooth transistion into the new, social media powered marketing world? Check out this article for some tips on how to stay on top of your internet image:   If you’ve ever been a child, you know that making a mess is far easier than cleaning one up. Which is to say, we’ve al...
Search Engine Optimization is so important for your real estate website these days! Don't forget that your social media networks can help you along! Here's a nice post about how to get started. Real Estate SEO is getting more complicated all the time, and stumps even the experts! Case in point: A...
Real estate leads are the lifeline of your business. Here is a great post on some simple strategies to help you grow your client base! Putting in the time with these tips is a great way to get started with organic lead generation.   Your overall success is a direct result of your ability to netwo...
The nature of real estate websites is changing! This post puts it best when they say, "Inert sites wil be replaced by business engines. Brochure sites will be replaced with information machines." Are you ready to take your website to the next level and turn it into a lead-generating machine? All ...
There's no need to be intimidated by social media! Your social media networks can actually be a great place to network and get online leads. This post covers some of the basics of social media marketing and how to grow your networks. Having a platfrom like Quicksilver Real Estate Solutions that i...
Web technology has been growing in leaps and bounds over the last few years. The real estate industry especially has been able to benefit from new advances in web design and online lead generation. The downside of this is that it’s easy to fall behind and end up with an outdated site. If you want...
Having a Facebook Fan Page is a great way to network, generate leads, and drive traffic to your real estate website. But once you've got one, you need to continuously engage with your Facebook friends and give them ample opportunities to get in touch with you on and outside of Facebook. Here are ...

Torgie Madison

Websites and Contact Management
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This is a blog about the best of real estate technology: contact management, websites, transaction management, marketing tools, and more. Learn how you use technology more efficiently and effectively for your real estate business.

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