Considering a real estate agent is the person you’re hiring to help you with what’s probably the largest purchase you’ll make, or asset you’ll sell, you should be concerned about whether or not you trust your agent.But if you don’t trust real estate agents, you’re not alone. According to this Stu
According to a recent survey done by Mphasis, 66% of people under the age of forty-six check out how much their friends’ houses are worth by looking on home valuation websites. Hey, it’s public record and readily available, so what’s the big deal pepping on property prices, right?Well, the survey
Whatever line of work you’re in, there are probably some fairly common terms you’re used to hearing and saying that an outsider may not know. They may be so basic to you that you can’t even imagine how somebody wouldn’t know what it is, even if they aren’t in your field.For instance, the word “mo