Heads up if you have any doubt of who you are doing business with before you sell to a stranger be sure to check out the SDN list when dealing with cross boarder transactions especially in-bound.Since the Patriots Act due dilligence has become a must so not only do we need to know who is on the D
Oprah featured a dvd called The Secret which was also suggested by Feng Shui expert Suzee Miller to learn the law of attraction and how to manifest health, wealth, love and good fortune. Basically like a self fufilling prophecy if you believe it will and can happen it will. What we hold in our
Today I received my first issue of the Publicity Hound's Newsletter. Articles featured included tips, tricks and tools for FREE PUBLICITY. This issue was all inclusive writing book reviews, American Idol, a valentines quiz, research keywords, promote an automobile Association and help the hound
Wndermere Florida named number 1 city for families by neighborhood scout is a much sought after community in southwest Orange County Florida. A complete blog and links to all the information about this charming town set amidst the huge oaks and the Butler Chain of lakes can be found here.Origi
It is important to remember to update your continuing ed hours in a timely mannor and note that per this notice from DBPR If your renewal time is Sept. it is not too early to get started and find out what opportunities you have to keep current and in compliance. Here is the latest notice about
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.~ Harriet TubmanMy nephew just finished his stint at Disney University Program, and is now back finishing his college program studies. He met alot of new people from around the world including a new girlfriend from Brazil. Well what does this have to do w
NAR chief economist David Lereah said today that existing home sales have likely hit bottom in the final quarter of last year. He projects a gradual rise in home re-sales in 2007 however sales tallies will likely remain below the 6.48 million unit pace set in 2006. Forecasts are for existing hom
Chain store sales grew 3.7% in January up from 3.3% in December according to the ICSC chain store index. Most all retail segments posted positive sales results last month except for furniture stores. Gift card redemptions boosted sales while the frigid temperatures in many parts of the country fu
So what is happening this week with rates. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke delivers his semi-annual testimony on the economy and monetary policy to Congress this week. The testimony plus a full economic calendar will keep the markets hopping but will likely do little to change the outlook in the long r
Active Rain Benefits of Blogging Allen Hainge's News and Views This weeks news and views has a major feature on Active Rain. This newsletter is sent to over 10,000 people. You can sign up for the newsletter for free.Here is a copy of this weeks newsletter from AllenI finally found it, thanks to