VILLAGE GRANDE ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY in Holmdel, NJ Convenient to Garden State Parkway and Rt. 35$483,000 Better Price AND READY FOR A QUICK CLOSING!!Enjoy the good life at Village Grande! This gated community for 55+ offers a swimming pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, exercise room, and mo
Search real estate listings and homes in Tinton Falls, NJ are currently 79 houses for sale in Tinton Falls. Many of these homes in Tinton Falls are new listings.This Free search includes google maps and listings with addresses. Feel free to call
Things to do in HowellHowell Township is a large town that encompasses 50 square miles.Howell offers an excellent school system, a wide variety of homes from condos, estate homes, farms, to adult communities.One of my favorite things to do in Howell is visit the Manasquan Reservoir. The scenery i
Free ReportOk, so you must have liked the headline enough to click on this blog. Thank you for reading. Does the Free Report strategy work? I've seen people use the Free Report headline in their marketing and I have also tested it myself.I have not seen any recent results from it and the inquir
CENTURY 21 Showcase and Centex Homes both celebrated a pre-real estate convention party by inviting area Realtors to come tour the model homes in The Equestra at Colts Neck Crossing and enjoy some culinary delights at the same time.The first week in December marks the annual real estate conventio
Winston Churchill said the difference between victory and defeat is persistance. I was having breakfast the other day with some older gentlemen and a World War Two vetran friend of mine mentioned this Churchill qoute. I figured this would be a great comment for the word of the day and great quot
Colts Neck Market Report for Colts Neck houses. There are currently 107 single family homes for sale in Colts Neck. This is a normal amount of houses for sale in this town of 12,000 people and 3500 housesholds.If you take out the 5 most expensive homes (mcMansions) you would have an average list
Cumulative Analysis Listing CategoryLowest Price Highest PriceAverage PriceAvg Price/SqftProperties Recently Closed$351,000$800,000$524,357$88Averages$351,000$800,000$524,357$88Closed Property AnalysisAddressList PriceSold PriceDOM% ChgSP/Sqft36 CHURCHILL ST$398,900351000312/31212.0%$121137 KENTU
Single Property Web sites?One of the latest trends in marketing real estate are single property web sites. The web site is dedicated to just one property. Do you find this useful or just another avenue to market in?Any success stories? War stories?Sometimes people register the domain of the ad
It's Black Friday in Rain Bay and there is no waiting in line. Everything is on sale, make an offer...any offer. Save gas, do not get in the car, avoid the mad rush and peruse what is available in Rain . is even a boat for sale in Rain Bay and Gary Roc