Greetings from New Jersey and Timothy Schwartz-Realtor

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Century 21 Mack Morris Iris Lurie
Discussions of real estate and other events and happenings in our industry.
It's not what happens to you, It's what you do about it."Taking responsibility for change"- W. Mitchell from the book "It's not what happens to you. It's what you do about it." So you had an open house today and it didn't sell, right?  There is more inventory on the market than there has been in ...
"The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance, and even our very existence depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives." -Albert Einstein Morailty should come into play with all of our actions.  Albert su...
remonstrate \rih-MAHN-strayt; REH-mun-strayt\, intransitive verb:1. To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings -- usually used with 'with'.Rather than remonstrate with the fact that he had the right of way, he smiled back at the wreckless driver and...
Henry Ford: "The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed."How is that for thinking out of the box? Ford was thinking out of the box before it was a popular catch phrase.Re...
Freehold Township Market ReportPrepared by Timothy Schwartz CENTURY 21 Showcase732-845-3600There are currently 200 single family homes for sale in Freehold Township.  Two of these houses are under $300,000 with one being available for $234,900 for a two bedroom ranch.The average listing price for...
arcane \ar-KAYN\, adjective:Understood or known by only a few. The secret society had a arcane handshake that no one knew about unless you were a member of the organization.Have you joined the word of the day group yet? With 24 members it is an arcane group but it is open to all 30,000 plus membe...
glower \GLAU-uhr\, intransitive verb:1. To look or stare angrily or with a scowl. There was road rage in the morning traffic and one person glowered at the other because he felt he was cut off.Use glower in a sentence.  Post your comment while expanding and praticing your vocabulary. Join the gro...
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. "--- Arthur C. ClarkeWhat is possible?  How far can one go?How much can one push the envelope? What is impossible?Where is the dividing line between possible and impossible?What are limits?  Limitations...
frangible \FRAN-juh-buhl\, adjective:Capable of being broken; brittle; fragile; easily broken. The $2.00 toy was frangible and the boy was disappointed when it only lasted for one day before being thrown in the garbage.Please post a comment using frangible in a sentence.  Stop on by the word of t...
As you probably are aware by now there are several groups in Active Rain.  Groups are like sub-markets in a larger subdivision.  The groups have a common interest or common bond.For instance, I belong to the motorcycle group and the Musicians Unite group because I ride a bike and enjoy guitars.  ...

Timothy Schwartz

local_phone(732) 536-2228
smartphone(732) 740-4775
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Discussions of real estate and other events and happenings in our industry.