An Insider's Look at Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - TIM LORENZ - Elite Home Sales Team - DRE# 00919781
This blog will post interesting views of the Real Estate Profession and have information to the buyers and sellers in the area.



Four executives in Orange County representing banking, fast food, high tech and housing all see a bright future and expect a turn around this year.  Paul Folino, executive chairman of Emulex Corp spoke at Cal state Fullerton's Mihaylo College of Business and Economics.  He stated we need to be pr...
This weeks market report for Mission Viejo and surrounding areas shows that Orange County Median Prices for the resale homes were up 16.8 percent, for new homes it is up 24.7 percent and for resale condos up 12.9 percent.  The sales volume is up for resale homes 5.7 percent and up 13.5 percent on...
Good news.  Orange County has 4 of the top cities in the state for price gains for existing, detached single family home in California, according to the California Association of Realtors. At the top of the list is Laguna Hills, with a 62.9 percent jump.  San Juan Capistrano had a 37.2 percent ga...
Did you know that most buyers who purchase a foreclosed home get it at 28 percent off the current market.  If you are in the market for a deal it looks good to purchase a foreclosed home.  Why would the bank take additional losses on the foreclosed property?  They are not getting market value for...
Will the Fed keep rates low?  The Federal Reserve pledged Wednesday to hold rates at record lows to help with the recovery and unemployment.  But its decision drew a dissent from one member, showing new thinking on when we need to pull back stimulus money. The Fed showed that there is weakness in...
Orange County Builders had their worst year lowest number of permits since records have been kept in 1946.  Only 2177 permits were taken out for new home, condos and appartment building according to the Construction Industry Research Board.  According to the Board: There were only 1335 permits fo...
When we compare Dec. 2008 to Dec. 2009 we get new home sales drop over 9 percent.  The drop in new home sales was quite unexpected according to the commerce department.  The report went on to state that we were down 23 percent drop in new home sales over the whole year.  It is the worst year on r...
The Obama administration will soon announce it hs reworked its struggling mortgage relief program suggesting that lenders slash the total amount owed.  I cannot understand how government can step into a contract they are not a party to and cause the owner to change the amount borrowed so borrower...
  I was checking around to find out about foreign purchers ability to pruchase a home in our area, and what they need to know.  We have had more foriegn buryer in the area.   Currently, with the dollar being so low against foreign currencies, foreign investors are purchasing properties in the Uni...
This weeks market report for Mission Viejo and surrounding areas shows that Orange County Median Prices for the resale homes were up 17.6 percent, for new homes it is up 23.9 percent and for resale condos up 7.4 percent.  The sales volume is up for resale homes 11.2 percent and up 21.5 percent o...

Tim Lorenz

949 874-2247
smartphone(949) 874-2247
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A real estate professional and investor for over 45 yrs look at the market, the laws, the trends and the condition of the market. A runing commentary of one persons professional's opinion.