Welcome to The Village of Sterling Ridge in The Woodlands. The Village of Sterling Ridge was opened during the 25th Anniversary year of The Woodlands and was a great tribute to this spectacular neighborhood. Sterling Ridge is filled with families, newer parks, schools, trails, and the 18-hole
We Adopted A Baby….Puppy! So, the last week I have had a little less time for AR…I have been trying to train a puppy! We adopted an adorable puppy who needed a home! She has filled our home with so much happiness already in the short time she has been here! Introducing our new puppy! Sophie
October Cancer Awareness Month Celebrations Continue as Mayor of Houston, Anise Parker will Proclaim TODAY, October 30, 2012 as PINK DOOR DAY! Today is a very special day! Pink Door, the organization that helps Women Cancer Survivors get back on their feet after Caner, that I have been so fortu
Praying for our friends and family affected by Sandy! Sending Prayers out to our family and friends and all those in the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. We have been in contact with everyone and they seem to be faring well so far other than power outages….here are a few pictures to share…
A BIG Welcome to Pippa Mac to Chevaux Group! We are very excited to have you a part of our team and I look forward to working with you! Congrats Pippa and WELCOME!I'M SO EXCITED & I HAVE TO TELL YOU WHY! When I first joined Active Rain a few years ago, I had no idea to the extent that this blog
Lions & Tigers & ...TERMITES! Oh My! Oh the excitement of a buyer finding a home and getting an accepted contract…only to find out the home has termites! Recently, I have been seeing more ACTIVE termite infestations on reports. They have all been recent infestations and thankfully little or
Houston A Great City To Live In: Sports Fans…GO TEXANS! There are many reasons why Houston and the surrounding areas is a great place to live! Our job economy is booming, our cost of living is low, and there are plenty of things to do especially if you are a sports fan! Houston has some great sp
HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING to my fellow Canadians….All the way from Texas! HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING Y'all! You may not know, but my entire family is Canadian! I was the 1st American born in my family and the majority of my family, other than immediate family, all live in Canada…over 100 famil
Registered REALTORS will ROCK the Vote! Voting Registration is less than 1 week away! 1 week from yesterday to be exact! Have you registered yet? Double check and make sure as this will be an important voting year no matter if you are voting in a local, state, or national election. Registration
Can I help you find your Castle In The Sky? All buyers dream of the perfect home! And although we dream of that perfect home in every way, we have to consider reality. It is like the proverbial….CASTLE IN THE SKY. It might not exist! Yes, sometimes the perfect house does exist….but most often th