Late last week the Listing Router Pay Per Click system was retroactively updated to reflect new, and in many cases, reduced pricing. If you have already set-up campaigns in the Listing Router admin pages, you don't need to change a thing. If you have not already set up your campaigns and persona
The ActiveRain Listing-Router Feature Your Listings, Get More Traffic and Get Paid to Participate. After a ton of feedback from the network, we have decided to offer our new Listing Router product free for the intial two weeks of launch, until November 10th 2008. Some of the prevailing factors
The ActiveRain Hit-Router Feature Your Listings, Get More Traffic and Get Paid to Participate. On Tuesday October 28th, ActiveRain we launched a new service called ‘Hit Router’. As the name implies, it's ActiveRain's initial move into the Property Listing aspect of online real estate search, al
As Bob Stewart announced, I formally joined the team at ActiveRain last week. To say I'm stoked would be an understatement. The culture is great, working with a core team of talented people in this space has been an aspiration of mine for quite some time. I was reflecting on this personal desi
The Mortgage Transparency Train Has Arrived… Anyone who’s read my writings either here at Active Rain or on my ‘outside’ blog The XBroker over the past 18 months knows I’m a pretty opinionated guy when it comes to how traditional mortgage (and real estate industry) business works. It’s probably
Hows that for a title... There’s been a storm of activity in and around Zillows mortgage community (ZMC) since they launched a mere 72 hours ago. Based on David Gibbons’ claim that Zillow has received over 4500 ‘leads’ in their first 48 hours, consumer interest is definitely there. Reading Zill
It’s National Championship time folks. TXB is in the finals, taking on FosterCityBlog for ultimate bragging rights. Show your love for TXB, voting ends Sunday at 11:59 est. Time to pull out all the stops and leave it all on the cyber-court. I’m going deep for votes, no-holds barred…
It’s National Championship time folks. TXB is in the finals, taking on FosterCityBlog for ultimate bragging rights. Show your love for TXB, voting ends Sunday at 11:59 est. Time to pull out all the stops and leave it all on the cyber-court. I’m going deep for votes, no-holds barred…
I’ve been an advocate of trashing ‘The Traditional 6% Real Estate Commission Model’ for almost 10 years. When I owned a brokerage I offered alternative commission models to clients and was nearly hung, tarred and feathered (definitely blackballed) at the bequest of numerous other Realtors and NAR
Real Time Paradigm Shifting in The Real Estate and Mortgage Industries Very few will argue that we are in the midst of an historical era of change, largely leaving the Industrial Age heading steadfast and firmly into The Age of Information. Transitions between era’s have traditionally taken anywh