Dan Green over at The Mortgage Reports hits on an interesting topic and trend, the speculation of mortgage rate futures. Interest rates have evolved to sprout ‘commodity’ features with the advent of the $6.1 Trillion dollar value Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) market. The MBS has created liquid
As a staunch of time saving technologies over labor intensive practices, I can recommend some nice solutions that have worked tremendously for myself and others. Ill start with the Digital Rolodex and will get progressively, more progressive. Tech tools and resources, many of which are by-p
There is an army of foot soldiers on the other side of these nice web façades banking on your ignorance. DiTech, Lending Tree, e-Loan, Quicken, and a slew of other 'e-Lenders' have created convienient web-sites to exploit and facilitate the deceptive nature and huge revenue streams of the mortga
Somewhere along the line, the Mortgage Cartel discovered that if you explained loan costs to a borrower using "points" instead of dollars, their brain activity would slow, their resistance would drop, and they'd tip like sleeping cattle. Nowadays, people are (allegedly) more savvy and "point shop
If you are in the process of getting a mortgage and you can't answer these questions, YOU ARE AT RISK: 1. What is the PAR interest rate for the programs you qualify for? 2. How much is your broker making on the front and back ends of your deal? 3. What is the definition of YSP? I don't care who'
The seed was planted two years ago when I decided to reinvent my own mortgage brokerage—a traditional operation on the East Coast. Tired of peddling ‘low rates’ and ‘great service’ while competing with 4000 other mortgage monkeys, I had the ‘novel’ idea of marketing a mortgage business that only
How come you can call 5 different brokers/bankers on the same day, with the same information, and receive 5 completely different quotes? Good question. All brokers/bankers have access to the same rates and programs; the 5 different quotes represent 5 different cost estimates to obtain the exact s