The Business of Home Staging

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Home Stager - Staging Diva / Six Elements Inc.
Articles of interest to home stagers and real estate agents to improve understanding of the business of home staging (or real estate staging, house fluffing as it's also called).
An entrepreneur by definition is someone who has decided to take control of his/her future. We often start with nothing more than a good idea and a lot of determination, but are we cut out to run our own business with all that entails? I developed this simple quiz to help new home stagers gauge t...
I just finished an all day shoot for a new HGTV show to air this spring, "The Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price." He was one of the contestants on the last season of HGTV's Designer SuperStar Challenge.In one of the 13 episodes of this new show, I take Ambrose under my wing to teach him abou...
Ed Marshall, of Los Angeles, an MD and head of his successful family-run home staging business, began an e-campaign in the second half of November, and is now ready to "appear live" as a candidate for the GOP nomination for President.He will hold his first press conference announcing his GOP cand...
It was reported this week that parents are paying upwards of $1200 per ticket to get their kids seats for the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana concert. Many will be running up their credit cards (in the middle of the year's biggest shopping season) to pay for it. Has the world gone mad? You can imagine...
One of the barriers to building a home staging or real estate business is getting found by prospects in your area at the precise time that they need your services. That’s why having an internet presence, and coming up higher in Google and other search engine rankings, are so critical. I just watc...
There was a time when home buyers needed real estate agents to learn what homes were for sale in an area, what they looked like and what the prices were. That time has long past, but you wouldn't know it looking at a lot of real estate agents' online listings!A US-based National Association of Re...
There are plenty of ways for home stagers (or any entrepreneur) to sabotage their business growth, but here are the six mistakes I see most often:Routinely giving homeowners Free Estimates. I call this the Free Estimate Trap. Not having a proper pricing strategy and thinking the key to getting bu...
I've been hearing from a lot of aspiring and seasoned home stagers worrying that the slow real estate market makes it impossible to build a home staging business. Nothing could be further from the truth.In a slow real estate market, also called a "buyer's market," prospective home buyers can affo...
Many new and aspiring stagers ask me "what if the house I stage doesn't sell?" The question is usually motivated by a fear of being held liable, or a fear of becoming a stager at all and feeling ultimately responsible. The reality is that a stager might do a fabulous job staging and the house sti...
I almost always use pre-made drapery panels with tie backs to quickly dress up a window without blowing the budget. It's a great idea to hang drapes as high as possible to make the ceiling look higher.  But, what do you do when you can't buy pre-made drapery panels that are long enough?Buy fabric...

Debra Gould

The Staging Diva
local_phone(416) 691-6615
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Articles of interest to home stagers and real estate agents to improve understanding of the business of home staging (real estate staging, house fluffing).

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