After about 6 weeks of working a Short Sale. I have just found out that the 2nd Mortgage( Real Time Resolutions) has rejected the 1st mortgage's offer. Now what should I do. The 1st does not communicate via e-mail and the 2nd will not pick up the phone, and seems to only e-mail on Fridays. I have...
In a recent sale I was part of, I represented the Buyers, who fell in love with a home in a fairly new area. At the time our search commenced, there were 7 listings in this neighborhood. The most recent comp I could find was over 1 year old, and expanded my search area wide to include homes of si...
After reading some of this week's posts, I got to thinking about whether or not we really have a choice in our board affiliations ie. MLS. They say that the consumer should be impressed by our moniker REALTOR, but when it comes down to it, do they really have a choice? There are a select few "AGE...
I find it curious and very insulting that our board NOMAR, has decided to raise our annual dues for 2009. The reasons given are very similar to what I believe the Incoming Presidential Administration, will be like. The first reason, We lost our building during Hurricane Katrina.. Nobody asked...