A True Friend A man brings his best buddy home for dinner unannounced at 5:30 after work. His wife screams at him as his friend listens in. "My hair & makeup are not done, the house is a mess, the dishes are not done, I'm still in my pajamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! What th...
October 7, 2013 Upcoming Events October 7, 2013 City Council Meeting Starting at 7pm Purcell Public Safety Complex meeting room October 8...
Recommend you read and watch the video. Really interesting. Obama has no liking for Ted Cruz, the least reason of which is because Cruz is Republican. Here are a few other factors: Cruz is academically superior. Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton. Not the case for Obama. Cruz gradu...
SUNSET September 21, 2013 This is looking to the North from my front yard. This one is looking west. A little more color in the sky. Same photo as above, but I used the HDR feature in Picasa. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. My 13 year old pointed it out to us. I think it is great that he even noti...
I bet this was a little uncomforable for both baseball players. I wonder if he gave himself whiplash or a strained neck. Can't tell if he safe or not. Good Morning all, It is Wednesday Morning and sometimes it takes a little humor to get through the rest of the week, so here you go! Now, go ...
Supply and Demand. Right now the government is Supplying "everything" needed by the poor and those in government employ, thus they vote for more of the same. We have proven the tipping point was reached in the last election. We ran out of other people's money decades ago, now it is all smoke and...
I added a few in comments and Glenn thought I should re-blog, so what the heck: (13) Your healthcare coverage would be better if you were unemployeed. (12) Your Dr spends more time trying to sell you 'alternative treatments' (vitamins, fads, whatever) than actually examining you. (11) When you as...
The sad thing is...We all work for free at times. We show buyers for weeks only to find out that 'saw a sign yesterday that was listed with XYZ Company and called them, looked and wrote an offer". (Yes, they KNOW we can show any property listed with any company, because we have shown them other l...
LETTER FROM A MOTHER TO A DAUGHTER: "My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m... going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minu...
Both of my kids will be home schooled now, but I still think it is funny. The kids really think the parents are sad to see them returning to school. The cartoon is very accurate is my opinion. All it needs is a little 'Hehehe' or "sigh" after the last SOB to really make the point. Just looking ...