The first Saturday of every month, in downtown Georgetown, in the courthouse square (note Courthouse on right) , for several months out of the year, there is Market Day. Vendors, food, music, people - all the ingredients that go into making up the recipe that creates a classic Central Texas even
Every year I miss these by a weekend or two. And every year, I tell myself I'll remember the next year. Silly, since they're held 10 minutes from the ranch and I'm probably one of the few people you know who is absolutely convinced that haggis is food of the gods, the pipes are music o
UPDATE: These horses all found their Forever Homes back in November, 2010! Each week there is another Morgan or Morgans at risk, however. ***** As y'all know, I'm involved in (on the Board of) Morgan rescue with ForeverMorgans. Most weeks, there's a broker-owned Morgan or part-Morgan or
Coming up next Monday (Sunday if you're buying sausage by the pound), the Zion Lutheran Church & School annual Wurstbraten in Walburg, just a few minutes northeast of Georgetown, Texas, is an event that is waited for eagerly by folks in Central Texas. As the weather cools, like the bloomi
I ran across the following today while running around the internet, and after I got through laughing in recognition (I'm allowed, I'm a Texan born and bred), I realized that this is actuall food for thought. I got to thinking about how this applies to real estate and, in particular, to real esta
Some people think that well-bred horses never end up needing rescue, that it's only "grade" horses that find themselves on the truck to Canada or Mexico for slaughter. Well, t hat's not true. Here's a list of "papered" Morgans that just ForeverMorgans has rescued in the past few years. If you're
Forbes just came out with a Migration Pattern Interactive Map based on information from the IRS about movements across the country. From the looks of it, Travis County, Texas (Austin, primarily), Williamson County, Texas (Round Rock, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Leander), and Harris County, Texa
Spread the word. That's it - just spread the word and hope she's found.HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WOMAN? IMPORTANT!! Has anyone seen or heard from Sarah Hall Weigand? Last contact was midnight 6/8/2010. She is missing along with her dog. House was found wide open with car in driveway. Police and family
Living out on the ranch, we've often had to drive into Austin, or at least Georgetown, for good pizza whenever we get the craving (or plan our pizza cravings around someone being in town and have them pick it up on the way home, and as everyone knows, pizza cravings should be spontaneous!). Then
I feel your pain. There are many events in Austin, Texas, that I've gone to in past, thoroughly enjoyed, but don't go to any longer because it's just such a pain to fight the crowds. However, this year, if you really want to hear the music, but you don't want to slog your way through masses of p