Just Horsin' Around - Thoughts on Central Texas Real Estate and More

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Real Estate Agent - Bradfield Properties - 532238
A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.
702 Prize Oaks AUSTIN, TX Comfort and Convenience on a Tree-Lined Street 3BR/2BA Single Family House $185,000 Year Built 1985 Sq Footage 1,614 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 2 Parking Unspecified Lot Size .282 acres HOA/Maint $0 per month DescriptionDown this peaceful oak-lined st...
I spent a wonderful day today at the Winter Meeting of the Heart of Texas Morgan Horse Club, at the lovely farm house of a friend and club member in Coupland, Texas.   We had a great time, talking and getting caught up (members are spread all over Central and South Central and Southeast Texas), a...
With the turning of the year comes the beginning of rodeo season in Texas.  Every year, in cities big and towns small, rodeos start happening as surely as wildflowers bloom in the spring. If you play your cards right, you can attend rodeos nonstop to get you right through the winter (such as it i...
In our profession, we can spend a lot of time at the computer.   Sitting in that chair for long stretches at a time, we can get stiff and sore and, if we're not careful, cranky.  I've found a remedy for this.  Well, actually, my husband found it, and sent me the link. It's called Loudcaster, and ...
A very common question when a client is relocating to this area and deciding where to purchase a home is, "What is the best school district?"  That's a question that, of course, parents have to answer for themselves.  As I've noticed, and always say, what's a good or great school depends on the c...
It all starts with a pony ride.  Or a trail ride on vacation. Or a one-time riding lesson.  Next thing you know, you've got a horse, and you're boarding it. All of us who have horses in our lives know the next step.  You start thinking about the drive out to the stables.  You start imagining waki...
In Texas, homeowners are entitled to a homestead exemption on the house they live in as their primary residence.  If you've just moved to a new home, and live in it on January 1, you will need to file for your homestead exemption.  Do not let someone tell you that you need to pay (them or anyone)...
When we first moved to Jarrell, Texas, 15 years ago, it was a classic small town Texas rural village.  And we liked it that way - that's why we moved there.  While the school had new buildings, it still had (and still does) the original building built in 1916.  There was a one street downtown tha...
A think a lot of us are very glad to see 2011 get here (or glad to see 2010 gone)!  It was an . . . interesting . . . year last year for most of us.  (As the old curse goes, "May you live in interesting times.")  But here today we have a bright, shiny, spanking clean new year, full of hope and, i...
Every Sunday morning, we have a ritual.  At 8:00, we turn on Sunday Morning, with Charles Osgood.  It runs until 9:30.  At 9:30, I go out and feed the critters.  Then, at 10:00, another favorite show, one of the best ways to learn about the people and places in Texas, comes on - my beloved Texas ...

Tricia Jumonville

Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense
local_phone(512) 420-0300
smartphone(512) 423-6466
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A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.