Its amazing but a lot of people I know don't even use Google trends. I had a CEO shake his head, "no" and look at me blankly and goes... "What is it?"WOW..... is your new best friend. You should be in the habit of checking it every day or at least two times a week.
A few years ago I wasn't really on board with Twitter. I didn't think it was very important. It was early on and there wasn't much of a practical use for it at the time. But that has changed.I notice that a lot of business owners have abandoned their accounts and this is a mistake. Let me tell y
I heard about the Virool tool from Entrepreneur magazine and gave it a try. The trial is very affordable and the promises were very intriguing. The thing I noticed right away was that this thing really works..... Virool promises a group of subscribers wh
We simplified the language and offer more examples of search engine optimization for real estate pros.You can get the new updated ebook here >>>> Its FREE ... and we show you how to name your youtube videos so they pop up on Google in under an hour.If you have qu
Years ago I used to subscribe to paid keyword banks. These are subscription services that show you what keywords people search for. You can learn a lot about your audience and what they are typing in to find real estate services, new home purchases and rental information. There is a number count
Okay, this is pretty cool.... so make a note of this.... This a real time search engine. If someone is looking for a house, asking real estate questions or trying to get information wouldn't you like to cut in line and get to that person first? Well now you can !!
Google only accepts roughly 14% of all websites in their index. This happens for a variety of reasons. They only accept so many real estate agency websites, so many insurance agent websites and MLM sites. If the sites are too similar in content then Google will only take a handful. There are ways
Here is a screen shot of my favorite kind of web traffic. Yes, it is free, but you have to do some work to create it. This traffic is coming in off a social media post. I have readers in place to figure out what kind of traffic I am getting. Notice I am getting it from desktops, tablets and m
There are two different kinds of Wordpress. A lot of companies I consult with are surprised at this. This is a great blogging platform and its fairly easy to use but there is something you should know. There is a Wordpress blog that you can download from That is a standard site and