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  Metal roofing is lightweight - its affordable and you'll save a fortune on your heating and cooling bills. Metal roofing comes in many colors, patterns, designs, and styles.Learn about it today on our very own, "Home Building Tip"
06/27/2013 You are considering a metal roof for your home.... but the BIG question is.... "Are metal roofs safe during lightning storms?" We will address that and more during today's home building tip. For more information on roofing, gutters and windows log onto = http://www.JRNeely...
Mulliken, Michigan – In the age of automated messages and robotic telemarketers it is hard to get questions answered. It isn’t always easy to get a straight answer out of a cold caller either. The consumers out there just want basic questions answered, also they want to see real testimonials and ...
How Safe Is Metal Roofing During Lighting Storms? - BATH, MICHIGAN Can My Metal Roof Be Damaged By Hail? - Bath, Michigan
  Bath, Michigan – The Laingsburg JR Neely has been Central Michigan’s “GoTo” home remodeling company with a successive history of everything from window replacements to roof installation. Call on them at any time (24/7 - 365) to handle your needs. The Bath JR Neely is the cheapest metal roofing ...
http://www.JRneely.comAre you worried about storms damaging your roof? Metal roofs are safe, cost effective and can really save you a bundle on your AC and heating bills. We cover this and more in todays, "Home Building Tip" ** Home owners / home repair podcast coming July 1, 2013
Birmingham, Michigan - Okay this is the news I heard and everyone chime in if you agree. Last week I got this email from a search engine news source that BING is now able to communicate to Suri -- the voice activated search tool that was used on Iphones. Now the preferred search engine connected ...
  Leslie, MI - The Leslie JR Neely is a full-service home improvement company that can suit all every need. JR Neely has an extensive success history and there isn't a type of home improvement project that they haven't encountered. Call on them at any time (24/7 - 365) to handle your needs. The L...
There is a new real estate / home improvement podcast coming to Albion, Michigan through two different online networks. One will be on Verizon and the other will be through Apple Itunes. The show is designed to address online questions and regarding home improvement and home remodeling. The show ...
06/25/2013 Is your home really safe with a metal roof during a lightning storm? You bet. Get the facts with this informative HOME BUILDING TIP !! Metal Roofing Lansing Michigan Bath, Michigan Metal Roofing Installation http://www.1gardenwindow...

Ted Cantu

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Ted Cantu offers his solid online marketing advice to real estate professionals. Here is where you can get high rankings on Googe.