The "Graying" of America... is it time to revise how we look at retirement? With boomers now turning age 62 at close to 10,000 each day and growing we are also finding the ranks of seniors being joined more and more so by those much more versed in modern finance. Fading are the closely held not
Time to stop the "blame game"... Accusations have gone ‘round more than twisters in Oklahoma in the Spring time. With plenty of blame no matter which way one points one thing is certain... we are where we are. The Stock Market is in the tank, the Real Estate market has gone through far more tha
Can it get any better for the FHA HECM? That is the question many in the mortgage industry, and many senior homeowners, are asking these days. After 20 years of near obscurity the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage seems to be finally getting the due so well deserved. Not the first choice for
Affordable Aging Saturday morning at 8:30 on AM 880 KIXI Radio and streaming online at Hello, I'm Ted butler, your host for "Affordable Aging". I invite you to grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and join me every Saturday morning when we'll discuss the latest in government
With the Economic Stimulus Package up next the President is just a signature away from siging in to law the legislation that will give thousands more Senior Homeowners access to what for many of them has become their only viable asset - the very home that they live in.But timing is an interestin
I welcome you to take a look at a new informational website for Reverese Mortgages. At you can become more knowledgeable about FHA programs for senior homeowners. In Success, Ted
It's been a great month in reverse mortgage. My company is expected to close well over 100 loans in October. Reverse Mortgage is very gratifying work, as each day I am able to enjoy helping seniors understand how the federal government had created a program to help them stay in their homes for
On Wednesday September 19th - The Chairman of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee had announced that the Committee had passed the FHA Modernization Act of 2007. Legislation that seeks to help American families that have been hit hard by the current mortgage market crisis, including
Tuesday the US House of Representatives had approved a plan to expand federal backing of mortgages to help thousands of families that are in foreclosure. This eliminates any limit to how many new loans the FHA can federally insure any given year. The bill, which had passed the US House 348-72, w
The best deal in reverse mortgage currently is the monthly FHA HECM. Recently a handful of lenders have recently pulled this program because they have been having trouble finding investors. Due to my relationship with multiple reverse mortgage lenders, and my company's dedication to offering and