In this era of social media and instant communication, what is the most effective way to communicate with people to let them know you are in a particular industry and you want their business? I have mixed feelings on the ways you go about talking to people. Many sales people don't understand how
WHILE YOU ARE GONE WE DO Property & Home Checks Are you leaving on business or vacation? Not sure if everything will be ok while you're gone? You've come to the right place! We have a great selection of personal and office security services and products. MEGA U Property Services (Property Chec
Mega U Property Services is an innovative leader in RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL property maintenance and management. We specialize in, lawn care, landscaping, interior/exterior cleaning, property management, real estate, contractor, handyman and while you are away home checks. Mega U is dedicated
It is with great pride to announce that Team Utz Real Estate is now it's own brokerage. After working extremely hard in the Baltimore Metro area for the past 6 years, the members of Team Utz had produced enough to support itself. Jennifer Utz, Broker/Owner has 6 years of real estate experience,
Hot news out of Westminster, Maryland If more than 50 inches of snow wasn't good enough, ole man winter is back at it. Forcasters are bracing for another round of 5+ inches of snow, but this weather maker is not active rain, IT'S ACTIVE SNOW. While the storm brews off of the east coast, it does
The City of Westminster and the Main Street Committee of GWDC will be hosting the Miracle on Main Street Event on Saturday, November 28ty, 2009. The Holiday Electric Parade will start at 5pm and proceed down Main Street to Locust Lane for the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and presentation of th
Did anyone attend fallfest in downtown Westminster, Md? Let us know what you thought of the activites that were available. What did you think of the parade?
Notice: Fallfest starts on Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 PARADE Thursday evening. ACTIVITIES EVERY NIGHT THROUGH SUNDAY Team Utz Real Estate of Lederer and Company Realtors invites you to the 2009 Fallfest celebration in downtown Westminster. Shop local, shop often and enjoy all the Westminster has to
The staff at Team Utz Real Estate of Lederer and Company Realtors wants to extend sincere congratulations to recipients of the 2009 philanthropists award. The Philanthropist awarded this year were, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Amass, business Leigh Cement, Chris Anderson, Loring Yingling (family) and The
The City of Westminster and the Main Street Committee of GWDC will be hosting the Miracle on Main Street Event on Saturday, November 28ty, 2009. The Holiday Electric Parade will start at 5pm and proceed down Main Street to Locust Lane for the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and presentation of the