Team McNeil's Activerain Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Re/Max Twin City Realty Inc, Kitchener-Waterloo ON
Detailing our real estate experiences in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
RECENT BLOG POSTS - Here is a useful video for anyone who would like to know how the luxury condo market is doing in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The time frame I am using in the video is Nov 2009-Nov 2010 vs Nov 2010-Nov 2011. This information can be helpful for anyone thinking...
Even though it's been awhile since we blogged on Activerain we are still here. I'd rather not blog at all if I don't have nothing worthwhile to say. We still maintain our own hosted blog but we haven't posted on there much either. We have been pre-occupied with work. That's a good thing. Lots of ...
by Warren McNeil The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival is just around the corner.  In just 2 short weeks Elmira will host 1000s of people at the single largest one day festival of its kind. There is so much to see and do. Sugar bush tours, pancakes, taffy pulling, antique and toy shows and a huge pedes...
by Warren McNeil I did a video about why buyers should consider working with there own real estate agent when buying a brand new house rather then buying from the builder directly. There are many good reasons why this is a wise choice. Buyers will be able to leverage an agents experience so that ...
I did a video about the real estate market in Kitchener Waterloo really picking up because spring is almost here. Mickey and Lola made a special guest appearance.  
by Warren McNeil - I did a video about the new Andrin Homes condo development in downtown Kitchener. These new condos are really going to transform the downtown core and will be the go to destination for the years to come. Located on prime real estate these two tower...
by Warren McNeil, Did another video. This time about things buyers need to know when buying a condo. I talk about condominium corporations, condo fees, rules and regulations, pet restrictions, rental restrictions and senior oriented condos. http://www.kitchenerlofts...
By Warren McNeil Here is a video I did about a client who didn't initially want to buy a condo because they didn't want to pay condo fees. After they realized that the condo was the better buy they opted to purchase the condo. In this experience there were no single family homes in their price ra...
Mel and I belong to a service club in Woolwich township in Waterloo region. The club is the Kin Club of Woolwich. Checkout Our club is hosting a draw with all of the proceeds going to the Womens Crisis Services (Anselma House) . Tickets are $20 and the draw is going to ...
Hello all, Been a little while since I posted here on Activerain. I have been pre-occupied and haven't really felt like sitting down to write a blog. Rather then force out something meaningless I decided not to write anything at all. Today we had Family day in Ontario. I love a good holiday and t...

Warren & Melanie McNeil

Team McNeil
local_phone(519) 579-4110
smartphone(519) 498-8118
Contact The Author
Detailing our real estate experiences in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. We specialize in residential real estate in the Kitchener Waterloo area. Please contact us if you have any questions!

*Video:top 5 reasons to sell your house with a realtor