Jane Chaulklin-Schott's - Realtor Luxury Homes Specialist (teamconnectluxuryhomes) Blog

Real Estate Agent - TEAMCONNECT REALTY - (407) 394-9766
Hi Everyone.  Last day in January.  Hey, how did all the New Year's resolutionswork out?  Still hanging on to mine and true, I stumbled, fell and pickedmyself up.  Know I have work to do on them but hey, I have a new spurt ofhope - a fresh new month - February.  It has 29 days, too.  Wishing you ...
Hi Everyone!  Currently 70 degrees in Orlando and sun hidden behind theclouds - feels a little chilly.  Dropping off some quotes to the Sandbox andwishing everyone a wonderful day.                                                           ~  Jane                                                   ...
Hi Everyone!  Stopping at the Sandbox early Sunday morning to drop off some quotes to welcome the new week.  Have a wonderful week!          ~Jane                                                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  "Do not let Sunday be taken from you.  If your soul has no Sunday, itbecom...
Hi Everyone!  Today I will complete two days on motivating, inspirationalquotes that may help me in winning my personal,  life-long battle ---- my hateof exercise.  As some of you know, I have been in a 2-month battle with a very painful sciatic nerve attack,  two days before Thanksgiving.  I'm t...
Hi Everyone!  As you, my ActiveRain friends, have read in my posts  ----I am not a lover of exercise or gyms.  Do I wish I wasn't so challenged inthis matter?  Yes!  Of course!!  Deep inside, I am a health nut, except forwhen it means exercise and gyms.  I have paid my fair share of gym duesthrou...
Hi Everyone!   January 20, 2020:   Martin Luther King Jr. Day ~Bringing some of his quotes and sayings to the Sandbox as a way of honoringthis great man.  Assassinated on April 4, 1968.  He was 39 years old.                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Darkness cannot ...
Hi  Everyone!  Dropping by the Sandbox and leaving a few quotes.  Have a wonderful Sunday!  Hope it is exactly the way you like it.                  ~Jane                                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do mo...
Saturday morning in Orlando and gorgeous day - sun is shining brightly, blueskies, and perfect day for a run -- temperature 71º with a high prediction of78º.   Day 17 of my Paleo Whole 30 Plan, my Sciatica is clearing up and bothmy wonderful Physical Therapist and I are surviving. I am a bookworm...
Hi Everyone!  Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes on my recent excruciating sciatica attack that started two days before Thanksgiving.  It was a mean attack and kept me in round-the-clock 24 hr. pain.  My faithful two companions were my heating pad and ice pack.  I am not sure but for ...
Hi Everyone!  Hoping we all survived the holidays and collected all thecheer, happiness, love and energy to propel us into a prosperous andhappy, healthy new year.Two days before Thanksgiving I was attacked by a sciatic inflammation that beat me up.  Throughout my life I have had a few sciatic at...

Jane Chaulklin-Schott

TeamConnect Luxury Homes - Orlando, Florida, 32836
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smartphone(407) 394-9766
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