Hi Everyone! Tuesday evening and a little late, - dark outside. Inconversations I had today, I seemed to hear a little voice inside mesummoning up different thought patterns. The following is some ofwhat I heard. ...
Hi Everyone! Making a stop to the Sandbox early this Sunday Morningbefore church. Have a beautiful day. ~Jane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"We cannot directly choose our circumstances, but we can ch...
Hi Everyone! Have an early start to the day and going to stop by theSandbox and drop off a few quotes. As I think of you, my ActiveRainfriends, in the towns, suburbs, cities, and states you live, in my mind Ifeel closer to you. I wish for you a wonderful Friday. You are in myprayers. Today ...
Hi Everyone! Perhaps this seven letter word sneaks its way even into thethoughts of very positive minds. The word: r-e-g-r-e-t-s. I found it in mymind this morning and decided to go to 'Quotes' for answers. Yep, I did getsome insight. Perhaps you might like what I found. Have a great Thursd...
Hi Everyone! Making a late night Thursday stop to place some quotesin the 'Sandbox' mailbox. Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, andsuccessful Friday. Let's make it great! ~Jane ~...
Hi Everyone! Yesterday was President's Day and in the political climate welive here in America, we may be hyped up a little more, wound a little tighter.As some of you know, I am a political junkie. Often the sound and music in mybackground will be zen, meditation, the sacred, western/cowboy s...
Hi Everyone! Have a wonderful ~ VALENTINE'S DAY ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Jane"To be loved but not known is comforting b...
Hi Everyone! Seems I have been working on a three-part challenge, apersonal goal, for a very long time now. I have heard your responses incomments to me. After some thoughtful 'pondering,' using the familiarword of Michael Jacobs, I will bravely venture forward, once again. I love quotes, as y...
Hi Everyone on a Saturday evening in February, 2020. Wishing you a happy,wonderful weekend. Just going to drop off a few quotes for the Sandbox. ~Jane ...
Hi Everyone! Happy February 1st. It is a fresh new month, a clean slateand I will continue, write my story. Feeling great, feeling very positiveand wishing us a miracle and magical month. I know the end results depend on my positive outlook, choices, and actions. We can check backon March ...