Hi Everyone - Happy Thursday! Today I would like to rebog this wonderful post of Ron and Alexandra Speigel. It was featured by some of our ActiveRain groups. I printed it out to reread for its information and invaluable insight.Thank you, Ron and Alexandra. You are excellent writers. ...
Hi Everyone! Wednesday and wishing we had lots of time to just visit andshare, however I imagine we all have our days planned out and workingon them. Sending you best wishes that you have a really great day and mainlythat your day is filled with happiness. ...
Hi Everyone - Happy Monday! I had a wonderful weekend - the weather here in Orlando was so perfect and contributed to me having a wonderful birthday.As many of you know, I have 9 children - 4 sons and 5 daughters and theymade sure the weekend was just perfect; and it was. On top of that on Sun...
Hi Everyone! Sort of a quick stop at the Sandbox to see you and to dropoff the quotes of the day. Hey, let's make it a great day! Jane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"What you think, you become. What you fee...
Hi Everyone! Peaceful and quiet Monday; oh, and also happy. You see, bothGreen Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears won their games yesterday. Bothare my teams, that is unless they are fighting it out on the same field. Reason:I was born, raised, and lived 33 years in Green Bay; Moved on to Ch...
Hi Everyone! Today is one of our heavier days in life - We remember aSeptember morning, 2001 and the 9/11 attacks in which almost 3,000 peoplewere killed, over 6,000 injured, and a $10 billion loss in infrastructure andproperty damage. In the months and years that followed, additionalpeople die...
Hi Everyone! Busy week and still working on a happy note today after thegreat Packer - Bear Game party we hosted last evening in Orlando. Somuch fun and especially nice to watch the Packers win 10 to 3. Food anddrinks were perfect and some of the guests lost their voices - lots and lotsof scre...
Hi Everyone, from Central Florida! We in Orlando are very grateful today -yes, tired and exhausted mentally and physically from a week of worry andpreparation for our battle with Hurricane Dorian. Originally we were in thepath of a direct hit, but in the end the Dorian Hurricane - storm, winds, ...
Hi Everyone! For no apparent reason that I know, I woke up this morningwith this thought about Life: 'Sometimes You Win and Sometimes You Lose.'True, I live in Central Florida, Metro-Orlando...perhaps I have been toolong spent this past week watching the TV Weather station - my mind on allthe p...
Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!! Yesterday I read a great post written byAlexandra, Ron and Alexandra Seigel and reblogged by Barbara Todaro:August 26, 2019 -'On Multitasking and Mindfulness' It really spoke to meand of course, I went to quotes to play. Maybe you might find it helpful --I would l...