USDA Home Loans Are Available I have had many people contact me in the last couple of months requesting information or inquiring whether or not USDA Home Financing is available. There have been stories of Loan Originators using stalling tactics to hold back their prospective clients from going t...
NMLS - Loan Officer Look Up Service Do you know your Loan Officer? I mean do you really know your Loan Officer? Has he/ she have any pending litigation? Have committed fraud or have scammed anyone? Better or worse, are they licensed? You may or may not know but the Federal requirement to becom...
Homebuyer Tax Credit Extended It's OFFICIAL!! They finally agreed on something and were able to do something right! The Senate and Congress has finally sent President Obama a plan to give home buyers an extra three months to qualify for up t0 $8,000 in federal tax credits. Buyers who already hav...
HomePath Financing is Available at Academy Mortgage, Arizona If you are thinking about buying a home and FHA is not an attractive or viable option or better yet, the property does not meet FHA's stringent requirements, you might want to think about using HomePath Financing by Fannie Mae. For a ...
USDA Has Funds Available For Home Financing Effective 06/1/2010 Effective June 1, 2010, USDA Home Loan financing is available to homebuyers. However there are some major changes to the program. First: The USDA Funding Fee is no longer 2.00% (two percent) Second: The "NEW" USDA Funding Fee is 3....
USDA Running Out of Funds As of 06/10/2010 - USDA now has funds available. For more info go to : USDA Has Funds It is well known that USDA is running out of money in May 2010. However, one should consider the consequences to the depletion. USDA has informed us that they are now leaning on $2...
FHA Changes on April 5th, 2010: 3% Seller Contribution Maximum Updated 9/08/10 FHA has postponed the respective changes until further notice. It must be noted that they are seriously enforcing changes to the program, however it is now being reviewed for a timely implementation. And if you think...
You may or may not have heard, USDA has announced that they anticipate funding for the guarantee program will be exhausted by the end of April. This announcement is different from the past announcements regarding exhaustion of funds, in that this time new funding is not certain. USDA will n...
Appraisals: FHA vs. Conventional Once upon a time, there was a difference between an FHA appraisal compared to a Conventional appraisal. For many years, real estate professionals, investors and motivated buyers avoided an FHA loan out of the fear that the appraisal, known for it's vigorous insp...
Fannie Mae: You can now choose your own Title Insurance and Escrow Company You and Many homebuyers have encountered the typical experience when dealing with an REO deal. After driving around for days and putting in countless offers, you get one of your offers accepted to only have the listing ...