A lot of our clients that come to us with back tax problems are self-employed. For one reason or another, they fall behind on their taxes. With COVID-19, small businesses have been hit the hardest, and despite the government stimulus bills, there are still millions of businesses teeter...
In 2017, country singer Luke Bryan scored a #1 hit with "Most People Are Good." Certainly, most people consider themselves good. Of course, "illusory superiority bias" (also known as the "better than average" effect) means most of us to think we're better than we really are at most everything. On...
The rise of freelancing, self-employed, and gig work is one of the biggest labor stories of the last 20 years. More and more workers have been looking beyond the normal nine to five and making their own way in the world, creating an income they can rely on, one that is directly tied to their...
Time to play a word association game: what jumps into your mind when you hear the word "Canada"? If you're like most Americans, it's ice hockey or curling. Maybe it's poutine, that irresistibly savory shotgun marriage of french fries smothered in cheese curds, and gravy that gives Canadians a he...
In 1787, the founding fathers gathered in Philadelphia to fix the weak Articles of Confederation, and wound up adopting the first written national constitution on earth. ("A republic, if you can keep it," Ben Franklin said. The jury's still out.) The framers sought to achieve a perfect balance o...
Over the years, we've written a fair number of stories about frustrated taxpayers choosing to cut their bill the old-fashioned way: by cheating. In today's America, which seems more divided than at any time since the Civil War, tax cheats truly cut across all lines — political, racial, religious...
People often dream of quitting their jobs and going into business for themselves to pursue a passion and work without a boss. Self-employment can be a rewarding career decision, but it can lead to higher taxes and tax returns that are more complex than what you initially bargained for. If you’...
FEBRUARY 23, 2021 |IN TAX RETURN |BY TRISTATE TAX RESOLUTION LLC If you are a procrastinator, tax filing season is probably the worst time of year. With deadlines looming, filling out all those complicated forms and making sense of an increasingly complex tax code that changes almost eve...
Walk into any suburban supermarket, and you'll find entire aisles of food you wouldn't have seen when you were a kid. What the heck is quinoa, anyway? Who invented kombucha? And if mom had served kale, you might have appreciated broccoli more. But there's one whole category that delights million...
Tax identity theft occurs when identity thieves obtain your Social Security number and file a fraudulent tax return on your behalf. According to the Federal Trade Commission, tax identity theft is the most common form of identity theft. The FTC estimates that it costs taxpayers over $5 billion...