2010 has been a tough year for Tuolumne County. Homes have dropped in value so much that it seems how much more could they drop. Lets hope that 2011 brings much change to the Real Estate world with values slowly rising so home owners can start to see the equity coming back into their pockets and ...
Wow Christmas has been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the Christmas music and the time with family, but man oh man some years seem so crazy that when its all said and done, you are glad it is over. I had a good Christmas with most all of the my family at my house. But that overwhelm...
Next Tuesday December 14th my Team Member and I are holding a Realtor Open House at this darling Cabin in Twain Harte, California from 11:30 - 1:30. We are serving hot yummy soup and bread. This cabin is 1000 sq ft. 2 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. It has a detached garage and is in walking distance f...
Recently I received an email from NAR saying we need to defend MID, Mortgage Interest Deduction. So I decided to take action and click to call and fill in the blanks. Sure enough it says your phone will ring and you will be calling your Senator. And it did and to my surprise after a few short min...
I know this is a silly blog, but I love getting in bed at night. Remember when you were a kid you never want to go to bed and you put it off as late as you possibly could. I know cause my son trys to stay up as late as I will let him. It's amazing that now all I want to do every night is go to be...
Every year the day after Thanksgiving at 5:30pm rain or shine is the annual Chirstmas Parade in downtown Sonora, California. This year was a delight. The lights seemed brighter, the people seemed happier and I so enjoyed the parade this year. It ends with Santa Claus in his sleigh and then you ca...
A few weeks back our Catholic church had their annual Church Festival. Surprising with the economy in the state that it is in, the festival made almost as much as last year. It makes thousands and came within $600.00 from last year. We had hopes that it would do well but exceeded our expectations...
It started back in October in Twain Harte, California. Highway 108, then Hawk Lane, then Twain Harte Dr. Finally Pine Lake Dr in Twain Harte is where the deal went down. You have to stay focused and committed to your client and you will prevail. It happen today my first official deal closed. Now ...
Starting December 7th through December 14th all the merchants and businesses throughout downtown Sonora are eligible to participate in the Best Dressed Window and Holiday Display contest. The Sonora Chamber of Commerce, City of Sonora, Mother Lode Bank of Sonora and the Tuolumne County Visitors B...
The Historic Long Barn Lodge was built in 1918 by a rancher Warren Beal as a place where people driving across the Sonora Pass in Sonora California could stop for food and lodging. In 1971 the ice skating rink was built. Starting their season out November 12th with free skating lessons, hot dogs ...