PDIs, or pre-delivery inspections, are a very important step in the home buying process, but too often people get overly excited at the prospect of moving into their new property and fail to give the home a proper inspection. There are a few important things to look out for during a PDI, and a fe...
While each REALTOR® handles their clients differently, there are a few ways to tell if your real estate professional is putting your interests ahead of their own. Here are five things to look for when considering if your REALTOR® is giving you the attention you deserve. 1) Go With Your Gut Genera...
Finding problems that may cost you big time down the road will justify the expense of a home inspection of a property that you are considering buying, say many recent real estate purchasers. More than 70 per cent of homeowners say a home inspection helped them avoid potential problems. In a recen...
There’s no denying that there is a glass ceiling for women who want to advance in business. But in the world of real estate, that glass ceiling shattered long ago, and women have become a driving force in the home buying and selling market. Across the United States, there are more women real est...
There are many good real estate agents out there, who take helping you buy or sell your house very seriously. They put your interests first. But not all agents are on the up and up. Here are some signs that your real estate agent may be pushing their own agenda. 1. Your Real Estate Agent Insis...
When buying a new home, what happens if the transaction closes before you manage to sell your current house? Most people use the proceeds from the sale of their current home to finance the purchase of a new home. With that big check not yet on its way, you’re going to need some form of short-term...
There are many factors that you need to consider when deciding which real estate agent to hire, and many important questions that need to be asked, but one of the most important factors to consider while interviewing agents is their personality. Choosing someone who is experienced, well advertise...
When you’re buying a new home, finding the right neighborhood is just as important as finding the right house. A good REALTOR® will help you evaluate things like conveniences, safety and lifestyle when picking the best neighborhood for you. Check Out The Neighborhood On Foot Walk around the neig...
Up to 90% of consumers are online as a primary step in their Real Estate decisions. They are evaluating options, services offered and reviewing referred agents before deciding who they might want to work with. They are also looking for ways to save time and money. Sundaybell Inc., an innovative n...
Finding the right real estate agent, at the right price or for the right services, may just have become a lot easier thanks to Sundaybell Inc., an innovative new company that introduces consumers to agents online using a profile based matching system. Why Sundaybell? Rather than having the press...