While it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that men and women have different approaches to nearly every situation - as Adam discovered with Eve way back in the mists of time - what's interesting to see is where the differences lie, and how it affects their decisions when buying a home...
Ever since the mortgage crises, short sales have become an increasingly popular alternative for homeowners who can no longer keep mortgage payments current. When a property is valued at less than the balance still owing on its mortgage, the lender has the option to accept less than the total amou...
Unless you are the heir to a vast fortune and never have to worry about money, (and most of us aren’t!) you have to live somewhere and paying a monthly rental fee or mortgage is a part of life. The decision to rent a home or take the plunge into the market and buy your own place comes down to a p...
If you are like most people, the thought of making a sizable investment like buying a home can be a daunting decision. With so much at stake many people find it can be overwhelming when faced with so many choices when it comes to investing in real estate. Location, financing, and affordability ar...
Why Join Sundaybell you ask? So What's Different About Sundaybell? First you should sign up and find out! In just a few easy steps, you'll be able to engage Sundaybell's customers and create new business opportunities for you! FREE Trial Profile! Activerain Professionals can join now and as a...
There are many reasons for wanting to sell your home quickly. Maybe a new job is taking you out of state, you’re moving to be closer to an ailing parent, or your adjustable rate loan is about to go sky high. Whatever your reason, these four simple steps will help you sell your home in record ti...
Tis the season to be jolly but for many Americans, it’s anything but. All across the country, thousands of families are facing the prospect of a very bleak Christmas this year, as a dismal economy and lackluster job situation drive them into foreclosure and the risk of homelessness this winter. Y...
When searching for properties, there are many advantages to working with REALTORS® as buyer’s agents, including: Personalized service Time saving assistance Wider selection Complete confidentiality Cost efficiency 1) Personalized Service Since a buyer’s agent’s job is to serve the buyer’s interes...
Most people have a friend or a relative in the real estate industry, and it’s only natural to ask someone you trust to help you with your transaction, and only polite for them to offer their assistance. But beware: it can be risky mixing your personal business with your personal relationships. Ge...
Staying informed is a major part of a smooth real estate transaction process, but some agents can be more upfront than others. Consult this list of five things a good agent will tell you when considering if your real estate professional is keeping you in the loop, or in the dark. 1) Real Estate O...